Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

By Thursday, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Organized Play

Hey Toronto LCG players - let's set up a meta!

If you're interested, please also list your preferred location for tournaments. I personally live about five minutes away from 401 Games at 401 Yonge Street, but I'm happy to meet elsewhere if people prefer. I know that Raven Warrior Games and Dueling Grounds are open to hosting tournaments as well.

Also include the best day of the week (weekday nights are a possibility, as are Saturdays or Sundays).

Who's interested?

I live on the west end, in south Etobicoke, so places like X-Planet Games (Burnhamthorpe and Tomken, Mississauga) and Heavy Support Games (Islington and Queensway, Toronto) are my "ideal" locations, but that's just because I live in between them. 401 I go to sometimes to pick things up, so I have no problem going there. It's an easy drive/subway trip for me to get to.

I don't really have a "best day", but I can make anything work with the right kind of notice. The real issue with organizing tournaments, in my opinion, is coming up with some kind of prize support to get people interested. Otherwise, it's just a glorified game night. Not that I'm opposed to that, but winning something is always nice.

If you're planning on organizing it, talk to the store and see if they can offer some kind of store credit as a prize. Charge everyone a small fee to enter, and put that towards gift cards, and split the pot between the top 2-4 players.

By example, everyone seems to have responded really well to the Kessel Run tournaments for X-Wing. Not only are free ships a neat prize, but getting them well ahead of the proper retail release is even more attractive; while scoring a TIE Interceptor when you already have 4 isn't a bad thing, it's not as awesome as getting one when you couldn't even get any at all.

For Star Wars, giving out Force Packs (unless FFG provided an early release like the Kessel Run) would be a weak idea, because anyone playing in the tournament would more than likely have one already, for the purposes of making their deck, or at least having it in their collection. Also, because of the card distribution model, for a lot of people, a single Force Pack would be all they need.

You could also opt for straight cash, but I think the store would be more likely to co-operate if you used the admission fees to ultimately convert the money into store credit, which is cash in their pocket.

In any case, count me in for whatever you're planning.

I am in. Saturday or Sunday is okay with me (slight preference to Sunday). 401 games is good for me too.

I think 401 Games is going to be best - they've expressed an interest in running events and either they've already put in an order for the season one game night kits, or they will be on Monday. More suggestions are still welcome of course - I'll post here when I have any updates from 401.

I'll be at 401 on Sunday Jan 12 (tomorrow) at 2pm for the X-Wing tourney, so come introduce yourself as a SW LCG'er, especially if you're playing X-Wing too.

Sorry, didn't see your post in time. Did anyone at the X-Wing event express an interest in the LCG?

I'm in Toronto. 401 Games for me, hands down. I'm fairly easy to spot: Glasses, tattoos, and a stubby mohawk. If you ever see me at the store, feel free to bring the game up! I play Magic on Thursdays, but am tiring of it and the significantly greater expense involved so that could prove to be a good day for me to play, although my schedule is currently wide open shy of Wednesday nights.

Oh and I have four decks sleeved and ready to go, two on each side. If I don't bring someone myself, I can lend a pair for tournament play if I'm playing too.

EDIT: I'm going to be at 401 on Thursday starting at around 6 for Magic. I'll be sure to talk to the manager about setting up a night. Usually they're really encouraging of such things and it's all structured around store credit. With type 2 Magic on Thursdays everyone pays five bucks to enter and the sum is divided equally to any and all players with a record of X-1 after four rounds.I don't think they even take any money off the top any more, but I'd have to check. I imagine a similar thing would be in place if we were to organize tourneys there.

Hey guys. I've been tied up recently so I only made it to 401 yesterday. I spoke to Jeff, the manager, and he wasn't sure of a good day for us to setup. He said Wednesdays are definitely out, and I would say Thursdays and Fridays are out thanks to Magic, but that really depends on how many of us there are.

I couldn't make it to 401 tonight either. I heard from Jeff that somebody named Alex was looking for me and I want to apologize for missing them! I plan to be back on schedule next week and hopefully run into one or more of ya to play some Star Wars and try and hash out a day for tourneys.

Heavy support is good for me, PM or post here if anyone wants to have a few games! 401 is to in the city for me and would prefer playing at heavy support =)