Guh, why still 'at printer's'

By keltheos, in Relic

I played the demo copy at GenCon and it looked pretty completed. I'm sure there were some final tweaks to the rules/whatnot, but how is this thing STILL not on shelves?

What took priority for FFG in their printing/shipping queue?

I would enjoy some news about this game as well.

I have a strange feeling something had gone very wrong with this game at the FFG HQ …

It's not at the printer.

It's in development. Which means that either it is a rules issue, or that for whatever reason the components are not coming out the way they are supposed to. A 6 month wait since the announcement doesn't seem that long when compared to the year or more between announcement and publication of Tide of Iron which was held up months due to a warped board issue and they all had to be reprinted and packaged.

Stuff happens. They will get my money whenever it shows up.

And mine too, for sure.

Yeah, sorry, developers.

Still, annoying it's been delayed so long when it was obviously so close to being ready beforehand. Shrug, oh well. That money I had set aside for it was spent on something else, I'll just have to plan for it when it finally releases and get it when I can.