Zuzu's Petals

By The Mountain King, in Fan Creations

I watched It's a Wonderful Life and downloaded Strange Eons in the same week. This was the result.


Thematically ineccepible; may I suggest you to use the Golden Trumpet exact wording ( here )? The "from the bank" clause is rather important to avoid confusion :-)

Julia said:

Thematically ineccepible; may I suggest you to use the Golden Trumpet exact wording ( here )? The "from the bank" clause is rather important to avoid confusion :-)

Good call. I received The Dunwich expansion for Christmas after I made this. Didn't realize it was the same as the trumpet.

Another alternative would be to make Zuzu's Petals an item that gives +1 to Will Checks, but you discard it if you ever lose sanity. If so, the price would probably be either $2 or $3.

The Mountain King said:

Good call. I received The Dunwich expansion for Christmas after I made this. Didn't realize it was the same as the trumpet.

Well, this was a very good intuition, then! Well done :-)