Anyone in Chicago?

By vermillian2, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

I've a Game of Thrones fan friend that lives there (in Chicago) that needs to learn to play the game, maybe. :)

I think there are some players on the Far North Side

There is a good sized group of people that play's at Games Plus in Mt Prospect on Sundays though I can't speak to much more than that as I've never been. Recently I've been meeting with a group of between 6 and 8 people at a place called Bridgeport Games on Tuesday's at 7. It's at Halsted and 33rd. We've had at least 4 people there every week for the past 2 months or so and would welcome any new additions.

I live in chicago! I love AGOT lcg and would really like to start a weekly group at a shop called dice dojo in chicago. the address is 5550 N. Broadway Ave. Chicago, IL. the website is I would preferably like to start a weekly event on friday, saturday, or sunday. possibly even more than one day? Anyways this shop is great and has plenty of room. Dice dojo is closer to chicago than Games-plus which is in mount prospect. if your interested please pm me.

sorry for double post

About 5-7 of us play at Bridgeview comics and games in Chicago every tuesday at 7. Everybody is welcome

did you mean Bridgeport Comics and Games? I cannot find a shop called Bridgeview anywhere in chicago…