Strange Eons 3 Bug

By Jake yet again, in Fan Creations

Could've sworn the Strange Eons thread was stickied, but don't seem able to find it…

I ran into a bug using SE3 and some custom made material (i.e. made by another user). The locations don't appear to be showing on the Mythos cards. If you open a Mythos cards that points to, say, the Unvisited Isle, instead of showing the Unvisited Isle in the gate at the bottom of the card, it'll show the default (the white-ish picture that looks like a cell block)

Looking at SE2.1, the files should appear to be filed under res://myhtostokens/unvis-isle.jpg (I'm guessing that's meant to be somewhere local to wherever the root of the executable is) but I can't find the corresponding images when I windows search the C: drive on my computer. Any ideas or options for me to download?

A similar bug was reported by someone else. I haven't been able to reproduce it, even when emailed the offending file. That said, please contact me via the feedback page on the Strange Eons site. I'll send you an email, and you can reply with a copy of the problem file attached.

Check that you have the latest available build (3305/Dec. 19 or newer) as I was able to fix a problem in the same part of the code as this bug. It is possible that I also fixed this problem without being able to tell (since I couldn't reproduce it).

A res:// URL points to a resource inside the application or one of its plug-ins. You can browse the available image resources in SE3 by holding Shift and clicking the folder icon in the portrait panel.

Just a quick line to say this is fixed in the version which was released on 5th Jan. Thanks.

Thanks for letting me know.
