Zombies and apes, shock-troopers all!

By Foolish Frost, in Dust Warfare

And here we have my new set of Zombie and Ape shock-troopers.

Can you tell which is the squad commander?

Apes are a brown base, washed in nuin oil and then drybrushed white or red on the shoulders. Face got some detail work with a cut-down brush. Arms are using a combo of red, yellow, and silver metal paint to make a nice old-copper tone.

Zombies got silver on the hands, some detail work on the faces, and a frosting of white after an oil bath. Faces are green base, oil, and then yellow drybush.



Nice work.

I don't believe Apes and Zombies have squad commanders, but each has a hero.

Lotus said:

Nice work.

I don't believe Apes and Zombies have squad commanders, but each has a hero.

I think they have to, due to the 6" rule?

Foolish Frost said:

Lotus said:

Nice work.

I don't believe Apes and Zombies have squad commanders, but each has a hero.

I think they have to, due to the 6" rule?

If it's a new rule then I probably missed it. Last I knew, Markus is the leader of the Gorillas and he's a separate hero. Had not heard that the zombies have a leader. There is one of the 5 that looks slightly unique, so I guess one could designate that for the leader.

Eh, I don't know about new rules, just that the placement rules for a unit dictate that ALL units have a leader, and all other units have to be within 6". On the other hand, I never saw any rules saying that aps and zombies are exempt from needing a unit leader. In fact, the book shows them with a unit leader icon showing who is the default unit leader, so I'd have to say it's the default ruling.

Our group's just starting to explore the warfare bit, and another guy has the rulebook, so that's what I'm missing I'm sure. It's got to be that.

Maybe one of the other guys can jump in and clarify.

The rulebook will list which of your models is the unit leader, it has the unit cards with the leader designation.

Yup, I know. Lotus was thinking tactics, and I was playing warfare. Happens alot, I hear.

@Lotus: Dust Warfare uses a mini from the unit to bethe unit leader. This leader is used as a rule to keep the unit from spreading out too far. Every other figure in the uni must stay within 6 inches of the unit leader. If the leader dies, they must nominate a new leader next time they activate.

Generally, it keeps the players from spreading thier individual units to far apart and making hard to tell who is who.