New GM and no dice,need help

By gameogre43, in WFRP Gamemasters

Hi! I'm a long time D&D DM who has Warhammer 1E and 2E and just tonight recieved the three Warhammer 3E core books and the enemy within adventure for my birthday/X-mas.

We are supposed to play all night tomorrow night so im knee deep in rules and such but I see a major issue. We have no WFRP dice. Tons of other D&Dish types though but just flipping through the book I can see where that would be a major pain.

Also of some concern it seems I can't order the dice? Whats up with this?

I'm not meaning to be a pain but right now im second guessing our pick of what rpg to try out next.

The WFRP books look very good though and the game seems great. Really not a lot more than coffee table books if I can't play them though!

I searched the forums and found others posting the same type issues but no real help.

Has anyone come up with a low pain way to deal with this issue?

While a handy chart to use with normal dice would be a pain it would at least let us be able to play….maybe?

Come on guys! IO've got a game to plan for tomorrow and at this point im about to have to tell the guys its time to try out Traveller 4th edition(I picked it up in the used game book bin for $2 the same day I recieved WFRP).



If you have a smartphone you may download a dice application. If not you may use basic dice and a chart that lists the outcomes. It is no big deal. The official dice are naturally better but they are ridicioulsy hard to get.

The GMs vault is on sale and it has the same amount of dice as the dice pack. (you'd need about 3 of these to have enough to bother).

Until then, I suggest using the dice roller here:

Here's the compact version until FFG get's around to making some more dice:

Thanks for the Help!

We are rather old and backwards so the dice rollers will not really work well. Though to be honest I did try to buy the app but see the old and backwards statement!

Is there not a handy chart sheet worked up? No simple roll a normal D8 and consult chart…1-2 mean fail 3-5 mean something else ect?

Thanks for any help you can throw my way!

Heck I could make my own if I knew what the diffwrant die types had on them.

Expertise Dice are D6 and from the book I can see three differant symbols but not how many of each symbol there is per die.

I keep looking everywhere for a chart already made up or for the information for me to make one up but have not had much luck.

you can create tables to translate d6, d8 etc. rolls into fortune, misfortune, expertise, challenge etc. dice. You still need different colours to represent them to roll them at same time.

Thank you for trying to help guys!

I finally did find a online roller that told me what was on each die and was in the middle of creating tables when we decided this extra level of crud to get into a game was too much. Too many great games out there to put up with a game that uses special dice only and then lets those dice go away.

So we took the $160 of stuff back to the store and returned it and bought yet more Pathfinder stuff.

I loved Warhammer from years ago and this one looked good but I just couldn't hang with the dice issue.

Merry Christmas and Happy Gaming!

Sorry for the late reply, as you have already returned WFRP to the store, but I still want to mention the below stuff.

It is a great game but the lack of dice is an issue. So if you get back into the warhammer mood i recommend that you buy the Core set of the game does contain quite a bit of dice, enough to play with everyone at the table share dice with each other. Some groups have even gotten two core sets, to get a lot of dice, standups, books and basic actions.

I can recommend the core set, we played with only the core set, weekly, for about 4-5 months I believe, and it worked well.

Thanks again!

While I don't have the book any longer I will still keep a eye on the game and see what happends. If the dice become avialable at the same time I happen to have some extra cash I can see buying it all again.

Two of my players were really bummed out about the whole deal as they really loved Warhammer 2nd edition.

So my guess is this isn't goodbye as much as a see you guys later!

Merry Christmas!

Come on back and join the fun! Merry Xmass!

I am curious as to whether or not FFG would allow the re-creation of their WFRP3e dice by the fan "community", available to the public, at Zero profit, without a litigation nightmare.

It would be a nice "Sorry guys for the complete, total, and utter screw up that has been our handling of the Warhammer Fantasy RPG license. Since we no longer produce the custom dice that are REQUIRED to play and enjoy our product, we will gladly support any material or component reproduction that helps those of you that have invested tremendous amounts of your time, effort, and money into this game". Furthermore, it is our understanding that the fan community has shown minor interest in creating what is commonly reffered to as a "beginner boxed set". Since we have no intention what-so-ever of creating such a product, we will be eager to support any such product by the fan community to create one. If we, FFG, can have final editing of this boxed set, FFG would be happy to give it our semi official, quasi endorsed, nod on our Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay webpage. We do this because we have learned from our mistakes and now understand that holding an RPG license is more of a communication two way street with it's fans, and that this boxed set will help sell our Core Set and it's subsequent expansions and campaigns, thereby helping to clear the shelves of our warehouse."

"Thanks again for your support of this game, and we look forward to this new relationship with the customers that invest their hard earned money that allows us to keep our salaries and create new and exciting games in the future".

gameogre43 might not be angry, but I would be. The fuel to get back and forth, the per mileage maintenance cost on my vehicle, and my time have been negatively impacted due to absolutely NO fault of my own. I would want to be compensated.

The FFG dealer might not be angry, but I would be. A customer of MY store, due to NO fault of his own, was inconvienanced and negatively impacted by the purchase of a product through MY store. ANY retailer worth his salt KNOWS that it takes years to build a loyal customer and a solid reputation, and only ONE bad experience to destroy it.

FFG,… ORDER DICE, or Publicly state that we can, or Create an official ".pdf file of "stickers" available as a FREE download so that we can make our own.

btw: I have this GREAT car for sale if anyone at FFG is interested. It goes from 0 to 60 in 3.5 seconds and I really want you to buy it. I should mention that it has custom, proprietary wheels which are not made anymore. If you want to make and sell wheels for it I will sue you, but please buy it anyway,……

If you see the core set for sale, pick it up, it's great value. It works out the same price as all the books(might even be cheaper, depending on where you get it), and has all the action/talent cards, wound cards, stand ups, dice, etc. you'll need. That, the four ruinous powers expansions, and hero's call, and that's everything you need to run a nice long campaign

Sorry Flyndad,

Any kind of relationship with the customers, even bad, would be a step up. I echo Emirikol on this one.

This thread proves that FFG are already losing new customers because they are failing to provide the most essential part of the game, ie the dice. From my experience there are plenty of gamers who would like to play the game but do not want to go down the road of all the cards and tokens, plus the added expense. However without the dice packs the books are useless. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. I could do with some more dice because I have lost a few. I am not going to buy the Core set or the GM's toolkit just to get more dice however, so I am a little bit screwed. Particularly if I wanted to introduce new people to the system as I do not have enough dice now and cannot expect them to fork out a lot of money for something they may not like.

So come on FFG, somebody please tell us whether we are ever going to see new dice or dice stickers (and when) or is the Enemy Within the final swansong of an unsupported game. Not too much to ask!?