Beginner vs BETA?

By aljovin, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

This question is for those who have the Beta and the Beginner, from what I understand, the Beginner's box is a simplified version. What is missing or strongly different than the beta (and potentially the final) version?

- Obligation (I have no clue what it is, but it's not there)

Anything else?

I don't *have* the beginner box, but from the previews and discussion there are a couple of things I know or can surmise:

1) Obviously full character creation rules, and the races/careers not featured among the pre-gen characters.

2) The concept of specialisations (kinda like sub-careers). In the full game, talent trees are attached to specialisations, whereas in the beginner box they've been simplifed into your career.

3) Potentially some rules - from another thread it sounds as if the rules for assisting with a check aren't included.

4) I'd assume (but could be wrong) that there isn't a full equipment/vehicle list.

5) In a similar vein, I'd assume the rules for equipment/vehicle modification aren't present.

6) Based on the PCs and adversaries featured, I'd assume there are no rules for the Force (they are based on a specialisation that isn't present among the pre-gens).

I received the Beginner game today.

Gribble's assumptions are correct, except for (3). Assists on checks are described in the Rulebook for the Beginner Game.

In addition to this, Critical Injuries are greatly simplified.

To me the biggest simplification is the lack of character creation rules. Since the included adventure is meant to be played with pre-made characters, there are no rules provided for character creation whatsoever.

Thanks, I should have mentionned that my goal was to see if there was any major difference when the full game will be released, so that we can port the game to the complete rules.

I had forgot about Criticals, yes, I remember seeing something that seemed more complex on the Beta forums.

So I think that the characters will be easy to port to the full version in a couple of months, don't you agree?

aljovin said:

So I think that the characters will be easy to port to the full version in a couple of months, don't you agree?

I think so. Most of the changes will be additive - I think the only area that might cause some issues is the move to specialisations and their talent trees, which I don't think match up 100% with the "career" talent trees in the beginner box.

The way that talents and talent trees work though, there shouldn't be any issues in just saying they are an additional talent tree the characters have access to, as well as being able to pick up specialisations and their associated talent trees.