Flamethrower example in manual

By player366894, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

I don't understand a part of the flamethrower example in the manual. (P25)

How can the Hot Dog hit the Heavy Laser Grenadiers and the Heavy Flak Grenadiers in one shot ?

Since they are next to each other

the same goes for the other example: Heavy Laser Grenadiers and the Hans

Yeah, that's something that's always bugged me as well. Apparently, according to that example, because the Napalm is range 2, it can hit two adjacent targets, even if they're both at range 1.

This opens a danegrous precedent, specially for Range 3 flamers like the Fireball, and specially Tesla weapons with range 6. It becomes impossible to determine who they hit and who they don't.

I think the idea is that they're "sweeping" the area with fire. I would say that section is one of the better explained weapon rules, haha

Loophole Master said:

Yeah, that's something that's always bugged me as well. Apparently, according to that example, because the Napalm is range 2, it can hit two adjacent targets, even if they're both at range 1.

This opens a danegrous precedent, specially for Range 3 flamers like the Fireball, and specially Tesla weapons with range 6. It becomes impossible to determine who they hit and who they don't.

You still need to present clear & one trace to target unit , so for range two its 2 squares to attack , and for range 6 = 6 squares to attack.

I would prefer "have to choose shortest way to target" but i can live with that interpretation.