Draft variant? I really want to play this game, but have no play group

By NastyJoan, in CoC General Discussion


I'm new to the forums, I have a different board games and some card games like Lord of the Rings LCG and I'm a MTG active player.

The thing is I love the Cthulhu theme, Arkham Horror is by far my favorite board game, but I am from Chile and I have seen the demos online of The Call of Cthulhu and really like how it plays and I want this on mu collection, the issue is no one here in Chile plays this game and there is no way a playgroup will arise any time soon (there is only a Game of Throne playgroup here in Chile), the thing is I have a playgroup to play board games and me and another friend are something like "providers", meaning we buy the games and invite everyone else to play.

I have read lots of forums of The Call of Cthulhu, strategies, etc… and all points to a MTG environment when you need everyone to have their on deck to challenge him or her to a duel. So in that environment to buy the core sets and all the asylum packs availables will get me to have all the cards to buld decks but no one to play….

So after all the "bla bla" above the real question is….. is there a way to play this in some kind of a draft way? Or any other way in which I can bring a big collection of cards, and me and my playgroup can play with them (or me an another friend only since it is a PvP format). I can easily keep the box and cards on a shelf in my office and play with some co-workers during break and low flow of work.

Well that's it, I know I can play online in Lackey and those kind of platforms…. but is not that I want to "help" FFG by buying the sets but I really love to have the cards and play physycally with them…. that's it

Thanks and sorry for the english, here in Chile we normally speak spanish hehe

I haven't heard of a good draft variant, but it should be possible to just share cards. A couple of ways to do it…

1. Keep multiple decks constructed and ready to go

2. Each week everyone picks a faction for next time. Give them all the cards of that faction, and you can all make your deck to bring the next game night.

3. Like #2, but do the building on the spot

4. Make up sets of 25 cards for each faction (ie - half-decks). When someone wants to play, have them pick 2 factions, shuffle two sets together, and there's your deck.

dboeren said:

I haven't heard of a good draft variant, but it should be possible to just share cards. A couple of ways to do it…

1. Keep multiple decks constructed and ready to go

2. Each week everyone picks a faction for next time. Give them all the cards of that faction, and you can all make your deck to bring the next game night.

3. Like #2, but do the building on the spot

4. Make up sets of 25 cards for each faction (ie - half-decks). When someone wants to play, have them pick 2 factions, shuffle two sets together, and there's your deck.

Thanks a lot

I will buy then the core set, and try out these if they fail to be fun….. then I will buy no more expansions (unless I find a very good way of drafting or maybe why not FFG came up with an official draft variant)