Banna Bearer

By Tubbyfu, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Can I play Banna Bearer from anywhere? ie from my hand, graveyard .. etc

This unit will get errata in January's FAQ 2.0.

As it is now is should be played from your hand, where it can't use it's action. This will be changed to constant I believe.

Virgo said:

This unit will get errata in January's FAQ 2.0.

As it is now is should be played from your hand, where it can't use it's action. This will be changed to constant I believe.

For future reference, if you see a card like this, just assume that its actually a constant effect that says "play from hand". You can never play a card from your discard unless it explicitly allows you to do so. And you can't trigger the Action on a card that is in your hand. I think there are more cards in EW that have this same erroneous Action wording, where you would need to trigger the Action from your hand, which is impossible.

I'm hoping they just make it possible to trigger these types of Actions from your hand, rather than errataing them all to constant speed.

So after reading the FAQ I didn't see anything about this card not being able to be played from gy, is there something I missed?tyvm

if I play this unit and I have in my battlefield the DE quest: Pleasure Cults, what happens? This unit enter in play corrupted but he can attack?



Perfect, thanks for the reply