Any idea when Icarus arrives in PDF download (from WargameVault, among others)?

By jamesmhebert, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

topic says it…

How long until Operation Hades the next campaign book Icarus arrives in a PDF paid-download (from WargameVault, among others)?

(thanks to Loophole Master for pointing out the typo!)

Uh… you can download the Hades PDF for free on FFG's Support page…

My brain is dead…

Sorry, referring to the next Campaign Book - Icarus.

I picked up the PDF from WargameVault for Dust Warfare , and want to get Zverograd when they have it (no sighting there yet, and WGV says it has to do with the manufacturer providing it to them first).

So I'm wondering how long it typically takes a printed campaign book to become a paid-for downloadable from the print-it-yourself sites?

Are you talking about Dust Warfare? This forum is for Dust Tactics.

Warfare campaign books typically come out a month or so after the Tactics release. I believe Icarus (DT) is scheduled for early Q1. I guess the pdfs take even longer.

Miniature Market has the print versions listed for $13.