This query is regarding clarification of weapon line resolution, specifically "x/+" (incendiary blast) weapon lines. Apologies if this has already been asked and answered.
Since all weapon lines are "considered simultaneous," as noted on the upper right corner of page 12 of the Revised Core Rules of Play, it would seem it should not matter in what order the player decides to resolve a weapon line.
However, in the FAQ 1.6, it clearly indicates on the top of page 7 that "the defending player removes casualties immediatley after the attacking player resolves each attack." Presumabley one is resolving one weapon at a time by rolling the appropropriate number of dice. (and perhaps this was earlier FAQ's)
If "each attack" means the same thing as each "weapon line resolution", then the order in which one decides to resolves weapon lines is of the utmost importance if one has a squad that uses incendiary blast weapon lines (like flamethrowers) as efficacy of the "x/+" decreases after each previous successful hit.
i.e. If the "Hell Boys" (fully intact with 5 models) attacked the "Sturmpioniere" (also with all 5 models) ran their shotguns first (rolling 9 dice, three for each shotgun) and left only three models left alive after the attack, the first flamethrower would roll 3 dice (one for each miniature, "1/+") and if he had 1 hit, another german would be removed after the attack, with the final flamethrower rolling only 2 dice.
The last flamethrower has rolled 2 dice by going last, vs. 5 dice if he had gone first.
We have been playing this way, as the rules and errata seem to dictate such. The incendiary blast weapons are great, and I do not want to have it appear I am complaining they are not strong enough, but if what I have indicated above is correct their true "power," is not determined easily.
I have heard people say, " play Chef with the Hell Boys and you will be rolling 20 dice just in flamers!," which of course would not be true unless one was very unlucky on early rolls against a five man squad , as each flamethrower would roll less dice as the sqaud diminshed.
Is this the correct interpretation? Should one always roll the "guaranteed damage" lines last? Is this how its has always been played and the errata is merely a clarification, or was this meant as a change to nerf the incendiary blast in 1.6 or an earlier FAQ?
Thanks in advance for any clarity that can be given.