Living game I would love to see made.

By player397659, in Living Card Games

I would love to see a living game made for any of these. Midnight, Dragon Star, Runebound (especially if you use the Lord of the Rings format), and the card game Wars from Decipher.

I would add the old Dune CCG from Last Unicorn….I think it would handily translate to the LCG format.

A new, GOOD, Doctor Who game would be awesome.

I would add the old Dune CCG from Last Unicorn….I think it would handily translate to the LCG format.

I would love to see the Dune property in an LCG. But I think the old game needs some serious updating to the rules with so many CCG/LCG game design lessons learned since that game came out.

I would prefer to see a whole new game with deep strategies & intrigue and fantastic faction battles across a galaxy of planets and across the many epochs of time. And of course, control of The Spice.

A new, GOOD, Doctor Who game would be awesome.

But would have to include at least 50% classic series to be really good, but for marketing I think sadly it would be mostly new series, which is good, but not the same.

World of Darkness


Mutant Chronicles

Not to be a killjoy, but did this need another thread ?

I would love to see a living game made for any of these. Midnight, Dragon Star, Runebound (especially if you use the Lord of the Rings format), and the card game Wars from Decipher.

Sign me up for a solo/co-op Midnight, and maybe Runebound/Terrinoth (but only after Lord of the Rings LCG has run its course).

Not interested in any competitive LCGs at the moment... but that's just me.

Edited by TwiceBornh