I was looking through the cards one day

By COCLCG, in CoC General Discussion

Welcome to my new approach, relaxed and non-confrontational posting style. There's a few cards that I've noticed for various reasons and I'd like it if you had your own little favourites with things people may not have noticed. Here's a few of mine for various reasons:


UMMM. I can't find anywhere in the rulebook that states anything about 'kneeling' Mr. Rules Man.


Anyone ever noticed the cute little mouse running for it's dear life in the bottom right corner ???


This one's easy and i just threw it in so you get the idea what i'm looking for. Just an obvious typo.


I fully realise that it's probably just me, but when I first glanced at this card I was a bit shocked. The impression I got was that I was looking at a rather uninhibited transvestite.

There are many more pictures that i've seen a thousand times but not until i've looked closely have I noticed some small little detail or 'hidden' artist's flair. Carry on people !!!

I think I've noticed the first one before, being a Thrones player, and all.

The others are pretty funny - definintely never noticed the mouse, or the unfortunate superfluous "appendage"… smh

first of all i think that FFG have to make a kind of special certificate for Lyndon and send him a kind of medal or other award as a "the most loyal cultist of the game"! because he is really insane about this game, about cards, deck making, synergiez and now - even pictures and easter-eggs on it!

to the post -

Summoning Cycle - nice wording for exhausting :) They should change it everywere with "slam on da knee"!

Dhole Tunnel - yep, the mouse is really cute. i've never noticed it here because of i never used this card.

Restless and Wary - yeah something is wrong with her face, but i think that she's actually looks more like girl (but I prefer girls with quite larger boobs). Hey man, maybe you should walk out from the cards and take a lokk for some transvestites or girls :)

as for me I'm really stunned with Gug's pictures all of them are look like ******* with theeth… Grandpa Freud is spinning in his coffin)