Death from Above Talents and charge to Hordes

By extreme_tactician, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Can anybody explain if and how you combine the Death from Above talent when you charge and Horde?

The successes in the WS roll determine how many hits you score against the horde, but also affect the extra dices you roll to the damage.

Should I just count them both? e.g. if I score 4 successes I inflict 2 hits to the horde and I roll 2 extra dices of damage for each hit?


From its description the Death From Above Talent seems to be intended or designed to be used against a single enemy versus a horde. Based upon its use with a Charge Attack action. I am sure if we were to request a clarification concerning Death From Above and Perternatural Speed we would get a ruling similar to other similar talents, Thunder Charge for instance, which give a bonus to an attack. The ruling being, "The bonus only works with the first hit of the attack."

I understand what you are asking: Does it combine with the possible multiple attacks you get from extra hits generated by Degrees of Success. Based upon previous precedent I would have to say: Yes for the first hit generated, but no for any hit after the first.

If the talent mentioned smashing a multitude of enemies assunder, or blasting whole squads apart I would obviously support another decision. But the talent does not, its description infers it is intended for single targets.

Besides, it is probably hardly necessary. The enemies you are likely to face in a horde are more than likely so weak the extra damage is simply overkill.

thanks, your explanation makes sense