The subject says it.
I no longer get time to make it to tourney's, so I'm looking to sell my collection
2x Core Sets
Complete Clash of Arms Cycle
Complete Raven Cycle (40 card versions, with a second copy of ong of summer)
Complete Defenders of the North Cycle (40 Card version PLUS 60-card Return of the Others.
Complete Kings Landing Cycle (60 Card version)
Complete Brotherhood w/o/ Banners cycle
Complete Secrets of Oldtown Cycle
Complete Tale of Champions Cycle
All houe boxed sets - Housecard + 1x version for Greyjoy. 2x AND 3x Version for Martell.
Stark, Baratheon, Lannister, Targ, 1 version only
Currently cards are in 3x Ultra pro lever-arch files. Also have 2 packs of Jon Snow Art Sleeves, and 2 packs of the Melisandre ones. not to mention several plastic deck boxes, and more penny-sleeves than you can shake a stick at.
Looking to sell the whole collecton as one lot, UK would be easier logistically, but I am prepared to ship overseas - haven't yet investigatd shipping costs, but I will factor these in to whether i accept an offer or not
any questions please ask