Updated Tables (Mutation, Disease, …)

By socratim, in WFRP Gamemasters

Since I am using both the Guides and the expansions not therein, has anyone done a conversion of the d100-tables for mutations, diseases, etc. of the guides?

Or would FFG not allow the publication of those?

Problem is: Now I have the mutations and stuff of SoF and WoM in a table, but all the ones from the other expansions as cards…


Sock-rat Tim

There are some tables in the GMs guide that do need some update. There aren't really that many new mutations or diseases that weren't covered there (were there any?)

Since this line is on the back burner, I doubt anyone would ride your case if you created one and posted it. I already did an expansion for the career random rolls (complete). It's on the RPGGeek.com website files for this game.

Since the component list of this game doesn't include: Lure of Power, or Hero's Call, i searched them as well. There are no official diseases outside of SoF.

If you need help formatting, just PM me. tYPE IT UP HERE OR DROPBOX IT:

Mutation Cards (20 mini)
ªª Abnormal Eye
ªª Ageless Form
ªª Beaked Face
ªª Brightly Coloured Skin
ªª Clawed Hands
ªª Cloven Hooves
ªª Dripping Pus
ªª Distended Limbs
ªª Exotic Locomotion
ªª Extra Mouth
ªª Feathers
ªª Featureless
ªª Glowing Eyes
ªª Grotesque Features
ªª Horns
ªª Scaly Skin
ªª Soporific Musk
ªª Tail
ªª Tentacle
ªª Wings
Mutation Cards (6 mini)=SOF
ªª Festering Skin
ªª Foetid Fog
ªª Slavering Tongue
ªª Faceted Eyes
ªª Obscene Obesity
ªª Rancid Bile
Mutation Cards (6 mini)--Witchs song (not in gms guide)
ªª Aged Flesh
ªª Extra Arm
ªª Gills
ªª Latent Spawn
ªª Warty Flesh
ªª Witchsight
Mutation (4 mini)--omens of war
ªª Iron Skin
ªª Spikes
ªª Weapon Limb
ªª Weeping Blood
Mutation (6 mini()- LURE OF POWER
Crab-like Claw
Precious Skin
Razor-Tipped Tail
Unearthly Beauty

Disease Cards (25 mini) - all diseases are in Signs of Faith and the GM's Guide
ªª Blacklegge
ªª Bog Lice
ªª Boil Lurgy
ªª Flea Buboes
ªª Galloping Trots
ªª Ghastly Vapours
ªª Ghoulpox
ªª Giddy Haunts
ªª Green Pox
ªª Grimdark Fever
ªª Gutter Worms
ªª Morleyís Revenge
ªª Oozing Eye
ªª Purple Brain Fever
ªª Rattlelung
ªª Red Pox
ªª Scarlet Ague
ªª Skinflake
ªª Slackjaw
ªª Stenchfoot
ªª The Grim Ague
ªª The Plague
ªª Tomb Rot
ªª Weevil Cough
ªª Yellow Skull Fever


Omens of War is not covered by GMs Guide, also. So those mutations and wounds are not covered. Wounds I can live with, though, since I own the Core Set.

Yeah, I guess I might go and create a table and just post it here.

Thanks for the list!

Hm. 42 Mutations, 96 slots. Leave the first 12 empty to throw again? This slightly increases the chance for the 97-100…

Or expand "iconic" mutations…

Gotta think about this…


Just to make this older thread round:

I decided to not make an updated table, but to use Strange Eons cards.