What did you do (or thought of doing) to spite your annoying players?

By Spivo, in WFRP Gamemasters

I forced a Fel check every time my stat dumping wizard opens his mouth.

I thought about removing all cards from my binders, every little tiny bit of action card, talent, dice, tokens, and just dump it all in one big pile in the bag I carry my stuff around in (maybe shake it a bit to, to really get it mixed up). Then maybe my players will start appreciating that I keep it tidy, and start helping me tidy up after each session where I have 20+ cards I have to stuff back into my binders…


Feel your pain on the keeping things tidy. Then they get upset cos they got an exp pt to spend but they cant find the card they want in the ranged action card deck. Whinging buggers.

My merchant player with three skill levels in Charm, Discipline and Resillience, and not much else, who relies on the other PCs to get him out of scrapes before trying to blag cash and investments from the most powerful NPC he meets all the bloody time (and there comes a point where banging 4 stat dice 3 expertise dice and a load of fortune dice on the high and mighty of Altdorf and Marienburg repetatively gets a bit much)… recently developed a bad case of mutant bug eyes and now wears shades/mask/veil/etc.

Now he's a little more cautious in swamping the poor NPCs with his social onslaught.

On keeping things tidy - months ago I bought nice little stackable faux leather containers and sorted player action cards and talents into them and advised players that "henceforth keeping this tidy is on you, I won't be alphabetizing or making sure cards are in right box".

[i have a second set of player cards I use for NPC's that I keep in order for my own purpose].

Otherwise I generally try to avoid "spiralling down" to deal with issues and am pretty lucky with players.

Kill them. Kill them all.


Emirikol said:

Kill them. Kill them all.


I have a feeling the laws in our countries differ slightly…

on keeping things tidy: i handmade boxes for all players to stow their characters and i purchased countless boxes to stow action cards, tokens etc. i even made the effort to order all action based on their checks and/or traits. as i am always GMing i told em ill do that only once. it took one session for the to screw it all up. now they can't find their desired actions and i do not care. when they complain i always say: take the box home and bring it in order, as i did ;)

lately i even made boxes for all my npcs and monsters to make it easier to find everything. what fun they are always in order hehe

on the matter of the players "not behaving": if i punish them openly they will only be mad. sometimes, when they draw critical wounds there are only severe ones in there. when they decided to walk through the sewers of kislev i had them make a heroic check (they are all lvl 3 by now).

and most importantly: all these little things they "frget" to say because they're lazy, will eventually come around again. we are in a massive campaign right now with a tzeentch masterplan, which they have still not found out about since all they care about is killing things. it will be a glorious GM moment when they are cornered with no way out and have the deaom of tzeentch tell them how they screwed it all up….they will be soooo angry ^^