multiplayer game

By monk, in Battles of Westeros

As the House Baratheon expansion gives rules for multiplayer game and a multiplayer scenario do you think that these rules could apply to any scenario from any expansion?

The multiplayer in House baratheon has 8 commanders on each side, so ideally you'd want an 8 player game (2 commanders each) but for the smaller scenario's you could play 4 player game with each controlling 1 or 2 commanders each. Has anyone applied multiplayer rules to other scenarios yet?

Here's my proposal for a 2v2 Skirmish where the players are a team of equals, and not a Lord with subordinate vassal lords.

a. Two mapboards, "Side A," joined together in "Landscape"
b. "Westerlands Bounty" and "Steel Rain" for starters as the Skirmishes; 5 game rounds, House Stark has Momentum
c. Two teams: A & B, players #1 and #3 on Team A; players #2 and #4 on Team B
d. One Command Card deck is formed for each team from all the leader cards and the base deck of 10 cards
e. Each player on each team rolls for Order Tokens as per normal, and draws Command Cards as per normal (there's enough cards) - you may need to create a few more Order Tokens (spray painting some 7/8 inch {25mm} plastic chips is one idea)
f. Ordering units on the same team - each player, during his/her turn, may order units with a Command Card as per the normal rules within the leader's ZoC, and may order units of their partner player in this way
g. Order Tokens may only be used to order units on one's own half (left to right) of the combined gameboard
h. Turn Order - whichever side has momentum goes first, the partners in the team with momentum may choose either one to go first. After the first player has completed a turn, the next player's turn must be the opposing player directly across from the first player. The third players turn will be the next player on the same side as the player who went first. Follow this order for the remainder of the round.

i. Turn Order is always 1,2,3,4 - The Team with Advantage decides which of the two players on their Team goes first, the second player to take their turn will always be the opponent player directly opposite the player who went first

I really want to test this by playing it, I don't think there's actually anything very controversial about it, the core game mechanics remain unchanged.