who does everyone play in SF4; for me its SAgat
I play Chun-Li, Rose and Sakura, I try to keep it even between them.
Currently looking for a 4th character, thinking Fei Long.
i use everyone. if i had to put them in an order of how well i like to use them...
Varsity Squad:
gief, rose, dan, sakura, vega (god is he a whisper of a shadow of the greatness in HDrmx), muhbison, guile, gouken (a throw that does no damage? HAWT!), fei long, cammy, honda, ahbehll
akuma, balrog
junior varsity:
c. viper, sagat, the interpol agent, failsim
intramurals (aka, people i'm forced to use due to random):
Rufus Tier, subdivision of the intramurals (aka, people i've picked ONCE to unlock seth, and never again because i don't care for them)
Rufus, gen, el fuerte, ryu, ken
Dan is my boi.
Sagat, the killer of Dan's father, is also my boi.
Cammy is my gurl.
Them's be who I play, dawg.
Yeah, that's about it for me. I've always been a huge Ken fan, but the thought of playing him because I like him is less appealing when it comes out to "O Lord, ANOTHER Ken player". Kinda sucks the fun out of it.
yea, but if you're actually GOOD with ken, that's another story.
Ed: Gad dang internet not working correctly >_<
Zangief, Sakura, Ken, Abel, Gouken, Cammy, Dan (when I'm in a humorous mood) and Vega.
Other characters I will play, but not as often as those few.
by the way does anyone know how Gouken came back to life. and since he's such a beast how did he even lose in the first place
In order from how much I <3 playing them:
Zangief (get green hand'd more)
Sakura (c-c-c-c-combo breaker!)
Dan (epic failure)
I have every intention of learning how to play a charge character, and am currently using M. Bison (my boy) as a starting point, and Vega to learn some of the harder tricks involved with charge moves. As soon as I bother owning a system that can play this game and get this game, I will devout so much time trying to learn Gen it will seem ridiculous. Think I'm nuts? go watch his hard trials in challenge mode. Gen has so much jaw dropping epicness it's not even funny, he's just hard as heck to learn...
In this order
Though I have played Vega only thus far online I am getting to the point where I am happy enough with my other 2 characters that I may start playing them too. In regards to Gouken coming back he says he was unconscious the whole time instead of dead and he just happened to wake up now. It is pretty stupid and I swear the intention of this game's story is to make Akuma look as weak as possible considering Bison was supposed to never come back and Gouken was supposed be dead.
drew - get on blanka. he has a 100% combo.
my boy randall is a genius with him
Drewkasa said:
Though I have played Vega only thus far online I am getting to the point where I am happy enough with my other 2 characters that I may start playing them too. In regards to Gouken coming back he says he was unconscious the whole time instead of dead and he just happened to wake up now. It is pretty stupid and I swear the intention of this game's story is to make Akuma look as weak as possible considering Bison was supposed to never come back and Gouken was supposed be dead.
It's not even explained why GEN came back, by the way.
As much as I am a fan of SF4, I think we've got enough threads about it.
On Topic: I play Dan, Blanka, E. Honda, and when I'm serious Sagat. Also learning to play Viper.
E.Honda for now. We'll see how that goes, but his Ultra is made of fail, even though the rest of him is awesome.
use honda's ultra as an anti-air, and it will fail you no more.
need to pass a projectile? do the super
GouHadou said:
use honda's ultra as an anti-air, and it will fail you no more.
need to pass a projectile? do the super
So far, I only use Ryu and Dan, although I intend on maining Dan.
I plan on learning Dhalsim, Rose, and Akuma. I might try learning Crimson Viper, but I just don't know if it'll be worth it...
Homme Chapeau said:
GouHadou said:
use honda's ultra as an anti-air, and it will fail you no more.
need to pass a projectile? do the super
Yah but but EX Hundred Hand Slap!?
EX slap and EX headbutt > super
quarzark said:
Homme Chapeau said:
GouHadou said:
use honda's ultra as an anti-air, and it will fail you no more.
need to pass a projectile? do the super
Yah but but EX Hundred Hand Slap!?
EX slap and EX headbutt > super
Homme Chapeau said:
Drewkasa said:
Though I have played Vega only thus far online I am getting to the point where I am happy enough with my other 2 characters that I may start playing them too. In regards to Gouken coming back he says he was unconscious the whole time instead of dead and he just happened to wake up now. It is pretty stupid and I swear the intention of this game's story is to make Akuma look as weak as possible considering Bison was supposed to never come back and Gouken was supposed be dead.
It's not even explained why GEN came back, by the way.
i believe the game takes place before SF alpha though im nto sure
I generally use Sagat but like to dable with each character from time to time.
GeneralReaction89 said:
Homme Chapeau said:
Drewkasa said:
Though I have played Vega only thus far online I am getting to the point where I am happy enough with my other 2 characters that I may start playing them too. In regards to Gouken coming back he says he was unconscious the whole time instead of dead and he just happened to wake up now. It is pretty stupid and I swear the intention of this game's story is to make Akuma look as weak as possible considering Bison was supposed to never come back and Gouken was supposed be dead.
It's not even explained why GEN came back, by the way.
i believe the game takes place before SF alpha though im nto sure
It takes place after SF2.
GouHadou said:
use honda's ultra as an anti-air, and it will fail you no more.
need to pass a projectile? do the super
Better than the ultra as an anti air...use jap headbutt as an anti air, then psuedo 2-in-1 into the ultra
motion is charge back, f+jp, b, f+ppp
Looks fancy. Tastes great
Smazzurco said:
Looks fancy. Tastes great
Is it hot and spicy?
Homme Chapeau said:
Smazzurco said:
Looks fancy. Tastes great
Is it hot and spicy?
Like a tuna roll.