Yugioh's finished.

By Cascade2, in UFS Off Topic

responding to the original post: the game isnt done, konami is still going to do OP and is making new sets for YGO already, the main reason konami stopped releasing their product to upperdeck is because of the non tourny legal sets of YGO that upperdeck was making and cutting konami out of.

at least thats what i heard from a relatively more trustworthy source.

the linked site looks to be in favor of upperdecks interest more than the communities' seeing as there is nothing stating what konami is doing

the crappy game that makes no sense to me is going to live, and most likely be better off now that konami has direct control in america

the price of YGO was already high and now it has ed to be shipped from japan the price will go up even more

bigmattxxx said:

the price of YGO was already high and now it has ed to be shipped from japan the price will go up even more

Well wait did UDE make the cards too I thought Konami made the game unless printing was done by UDE..

deathcritis1 said:

Ok me personally I DON'T WANT THAT MANY YUGI PLAYERS INTO THIS GAME some yes, the honorable ones,fo sho, but the goons HELL TO THA NO cause if they come out and start to play this game then it after a matter of time will get to the whole "I have to bring my friends to come watch my back or else I have to fight or get robbed. I have personally seen people get robbed at Yugioh tournaments ( all of the N.Y.C players know what i,m talking about yall know that little store known as Neutral Ground) and I don't want this to happen to this game cause once the goons find out the value of certain cards then people will hear this phrase uttered to them when they are surrounded by a bunch of dudes "you know what this is". Now I know that we need more people but them hell no cause I don't wanna bring out people and things over a card game if that is the case then I would quit UFS in a heartbeat.

And another thing ok don't get me wrong I know a whole lot of Yugi players that are respectible and cool ass hell and would be a breath of fresh air to this game that we all play and love but tha goon squad yea aight how many of us former Yugi players heard of people getting robbed at Yugi big tournaments (Shonen Jump,World Championships,Regionals) out at the parking lot ? answer a lot and my question to all UFS players do you want this for our game?

Being one of those NYC peeps, I will add some more credibility to this post.

Everything said here is true.

I have a friend who has had the following decks, pimped out, in YGO (pimped out=Crush Card and all the expensive stuff).

GBeast, Monarch, DADdy (before tuners and psychics), Teleport DADdy.

Guess how many have been stolen from him?

If you answered all, you are correct!

The only people that don't get "robbed" are the elite players (which exist mostly in nyc and japan iirc). Otherwise it's like a hell hole. It's assumed that if you don't have either:

A: Boys to back you up, B:The build of a young Arnold Schwarzenegger, or C:A Weapon.

You will be getting robbed. It's sad, but it happens.

But you see, here's the difference between those YGO players and us UFS players.

We stick together. We protect our own. We have brains. Our balls have actually dropped.

As far as this region goes, I (nor any other UFS player here for that matter) should be afraid. Seriously...anyone here that knows half of us in nyc know that it's suicide to mess with one of us. I'm so much larger than half those kids that play this game i'd sit on them and make pancakes out of their frail bodies. Anyone that messes with Omar is on some SERIOUS crack. Osei could lift me with one arm and probably toss me halfway across the room. Don't be fooled by the nickname of Goo. Jason and John Brown ain't no slacks. Andrew knows Tai Chi or something...I forget what it is.

Oh now I sound like a gloat. Sowy =/. Anyway, point being, If those kids want to mess with anyone here...god...nerd rage..building....must...


*ahem ahem* That felt good.

one of the sad things about ygo is the cheating. I was so paranoid every time i played. normally after someone shufled your deck, you would cut the deck 20 times and, feel the edges of the sleaves to make sure they weren't difernet lengths. I was pretty good at catching cheaters and normally i would catch one or two every local. there are a lot of awesome dudes i know from my yugioh days, but there are also a lot of scum.

in my previous post, the word not should follow the I after my parenthesis.

I feel ya Deathcritis1 but I'm one of the honorable YGO players and I know what everyone mean by douchebags. A couple of guys in my circle of friends would agree about how there are complete jerks who play and it makes you want to bring UFS to life on them physcially! (lol) So that and the fact that UDE and Konami are fighting over rights, are the reasons some of us are venturing into different CCGs. Me, personally I'm experimenting with Chaotic online and UFS offline. But I think once the jerk YGO players get a bit of the UFS atmosphere and see that the original players don't play then they'll either change up or find another game to be jerks in (coughs out, "MTG!!!").

Charitsune said:

I feel ya Deathcritis1 but I'm one of the honorable YGO players and I know what everyone mean by douchebags. A couple of guys in my circle of friends would agree about how there are complete jerks who play and it makes you want to bring UFS to life on them physcially! (lol) So that and the fact that UDE and Konami are fighting over rights, are the reasons some of us are venturing into different CCGs. Me, personally I'm experimenting with Chaotic online and UFS offline. But I think once the jerk YGO players get a bit of the UFS atmosphere and see that the original players don't play then they'll either change up or find another game to be jerks in (coughs out, "MTG!!!").

I hope so I mean we want more players but not at the aspect of destroying the community we have enough of that on the boards with the talk of bannings.