Close Combat and line of sight question

By Boepp, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

Hi guys,

I played a couple of games yesterday and the following situatiion came up:



A,B and C were enemy squads and X was my squad. Can X see and attack B? I thought I was sure that he can't but the more I read the rules the more uncertain I am. I am pretty sure that I am hust thinking about it the wrong way so please help me out here,


I believe that, in your example, X cannot attack B.

I agree that it's not super clear from the rules. However, I'm basing my conclusion on page 10 of the Revised Core Rulebook.

It says there "If a unit is adjacent to impassable terrain, it cannot target a unit who is also adjacent to impassable terrain when the units receive corner cover from different sides."

Squares A & C in your example both count as impassable terrain. Since corner cover is provided by both squares, there is no line of sight between X & C. Thus, no attack is possible.

For secondary evidence, look at page 9 of the Revised Core Rulebook. The example there shows how a unit cannot MOVE at a diagonal between two impassable terrain squares. I believe that the same logic applies to line of sight and attacks.

Kriegschatten said:

Since corner cover is provided by both squares, there is no line of sight between X & C.

This should have read "X & B".

Stupid lack of an edit featureā€¦

IT's the basis rule of sight. Both other enemy sqads are blocking your LOS, and the LOS of the asked squad.

If either X or B was a vehicle and A or C were squads, then the attack would be possible. If they're all squads, no can do.

Thanks for the help guys it seems that I was overcmplicating things after thinking too much about that rule :-)