There was a surprising lack of beasts in the Beta book, despite the fact that they have made appearances in every single Star Wars film, from the colo claw fish in Episode I to the Wampas in Episode V and the arena beasts in Episode II. So I have been putting together some beast stat blocks in my spare time. Without further ado:
Wampa [Henchman]
Carnivorous predators native to the ice planet of Hoth in the Outer Rim, the Wampa is a savage beast that will attack anything they come across. They have adapted to survive in the harsh weather of their native planet and are consummate hunters. Luckily for their prey, they are usually solitary hunters, but have been known to travel in packs to take down larger gamer.
Brawn 5 Cunning 1
Presence 1 Agility 2
Intellect 1 Willpower 1
: Brawl 2, Perception 2, Stealth 2, Survival 2
: Adversary 1, Feral Strength 2
: Cold Adaptation (When making skill checks, Wampa may remove two setback dicd imposed due to cold environmental conditions), Camouflage (When in snowy environments, Wampa receive two boost dice to Stealth checks)
: Wound: 30
: 2
: Claw and teeth (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1)