Weekly update question

By daddystabz, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Does each weekly update also include all the update info for the weeks before it? I wanted to ask because I would like to be able to just download the newest version only and not each and every one.

The updates are starting to get out hand. I feel like the entire beta book ha been re-written just about, lol.

Yes. You only need the latest update. For your convenience, the latest set of changes are in red type.

The updates are starting to get out hand. I feel like the entire beta book ha been re-written just about, lol.

12 pages worth of changes out of about 220. Not that bad. All changes so far seems to be for the best.

I'm glad they went down the public BETA road. Another RPG I own is so full of game balance problems, contradictions and errors that it has a crest of post it notes sticking out of it. It seems it won't be the case with Edge of the Empire.

Yes it does include earlier updates.

Thanks all. I am very happy they went with a public beta too. It tells me they were looking to make the best game they could and not just cash in with a crappy game.

If you find the updates are getting hard to manage and you're not enjoying the game, you might want to take a break until the rulebook ships. I imagine there are more updates coming, so it's not going to get any easier for you.

Venthrac said:

If you find the updates are getting hard to manage and you're not enjoying the game, you might want to take a break until the rulebook ships. I imagine there are more updates coming, so it's not going to get any easier for you.

I imagine we're only going to get a couple more updates, given the cut-off date for providing direct feedback to FFG is December 1st.

Probably an update either tomorrow or a week from tomorrow, possibly one just before Thanksgiving, and then likely a final update roughly a week after the December 1st cut-off date.

I will agree with daddystabz that some of the updates are bit tricker to keep track off without drastically marking up one's copy of the book, such as the recent talent tree updates, the near-total revamp of Force power upgrades, to say nothing of the changes to some career skill lists due to the removal of Surveillance as well as the alterations to several talents.