"Actions May be Taken" question

By Blutsteigen, in CoC Rules Discussion

I just want to make sure that when the instructions, "Actions May Be Taken" appears in the detailed turn sequence on page 13 of the rule book, both players may take actions at that time. In other words, doing certain things such as attaching support, etc is not limited to only the active player. Is this correct?

Blutsteigen said:

I just want to make sure that when the instructions, "Actions May Be Taken" appears in the detailed turn sequence on page 13 of the rule book, both players may take actions at that time. In other words, doing certain things such as attaching support, etc is not limited to only the active player. Is this correct?

Playing character and support cards only can be done during your own operations phase . Events and triggered abilities aren't limited to this phase by default, though. Events en triggered abilities can be played during the "actions can be taken" steps though.

Events en triggered abilities can be played during the "actions can be taken" steps though.

Just to clariy: This is true for both, active and reactive, player.

Be careful, you can play a character ou a support card (or attach a support card) only if you are the active player (so during your turn) and only during your operation phase .

But you can trigger the effect of a card you control, like a support card, when you want (during your turn or the turn of your opponent).

Exemple : you can only play Arkham Asylum, a support card (CS F 146), during your operation phase. But you can trigger its effect during the opponent's turn to restore and ready an insane character (it's a bad surprise for your opponent and a good for you when you restore one of your characters during its turn !)