New to game

By Rasputindarksyde, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

Hi I am new to the game. I started purchasing SSU. I have a good start of models and units. My real question is what is the points for most games that are played? The mission book is in the starter is130, is that the normal, 200, even more? Would love to hear what points other play.

Unless there is a point limit given in the rules for the scenario or the tournament, you could just use any number of points the players agree upon. I'd say that "normal" point limits for armies are 200, 250 and 300, but other players probably play larger armies depending on the number of units they own.

Ok, thanks. There is only 2 of us that play at the time. So we are just starting out. He has the starter I bought a few units of SSU. So wanted to see what and how much we needed to get.

Again thanks a bunch.

In your situation, you should just start playing the campaign that comes with the core set and use either the two armies from the core set or one of those armies and one SSU army of 130 points. After that, you should add units to bring two (or even all three) armies to 200 points.

My advise is for you to go to the Dust Facebook fan site. It's sooo much better than this lame site.

Hi new to game and completely lost as to what the skull symbols are for in the hero and vehicle cards do you use these as armour points until they take a wound as they do not use armour rolls fort soft or hard cover??

Eihova said:

Hi new to game and completely lost as to what the skull symbols are for in the hero and vehicle cards do you use these as armour points until they take a wound as they do not use armour rolls fort soft or hard cover??

Nope, just ignore the skulls. The "plus" signs which represent their hit points are all that matter there.

I am new also. I just bought the game off of Amazon. Is it just a two player boardgame or can all three factions play at once? If they can all play how many points come with the Box so I can buy that amount for the other Faction. Thank you.

Its normally a 1v1 game, but I am sure you could play a three way. The starter comes with 128 point armies. So if you could build a 130 point list for SSU you should be fine.

I hope this helps.

Yes it does, thanks alot. I have twin boys and one might get ticked off if he has to "wait it out". I guess I could always double up on points and let them both play two "armies" of Axis or Allies against their tyranical father..Bwahahaha! My one son loves zombies so I must pick some of those guys up I think.

Zombies are scary.

I did play in a 2v2 game the other day. Might work the same just double up your side with both of their armies. We did 300 a person so you would do 600, or some veriation of that. 400/200 and so on.

Good Luck

Thanks. Which other extra units would go well with the starter box? Which SSU units would compare with what you get in the box?

As the RCS contains one walker, one hero and 3 squads for each faction, maybe you could get "Operation Zverograd" plus 3 squads for the SSU to have a matching force. Zverograd will net you the walker and the hero. Concerning the 3 squads, I'd probably choose the close combat squad, the battle squad and the anti-tank squad ("Red Thunder"). Sorry, I'm unable to remember the Russian names of the others.

Looking at the points, you'd have the walker (36), Koshka the hero (18) plus the squads (28 + 19 + 22). That's 123 points, so it quite matches the armies from the RCS. You could even upgrade one of the squads into something more expensive.

Thanks, that is a perfect starting point.