Using Command Skill to Recover Cohesion

By Inquisitor Alaster, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

On page 228 of the Deathwatch Rulebook, it is stated under "Benefits of Being the Leader" that "The Leader can use his Fellowship or Command Skill to rally the squad and restore Cohesion damage (See page 96 for details on the Command skill and its uses.)"

When I turn to page 96 there is nothing in the description of the Command skill that describes how to use it to restore Cohesion damage, only its use to make subordinates do what I want and how to use Command to extend the squad's support range.

So my question is: How do I use the Fellowship characteristic or Command Skill to restore Cohesion damage? Please be specific and cite a page in the rulebook or the errata.

Inquisitor Alaster said:

On page 228 of the Deathwatch Rulebook, it is stated under "Benefits of Being the Leader" that "The Leader can use his Fellowship or Command Skill to rally the squad and restore Cohesion damage (See page 96 for details on the Command skill and its uses.)"

When I turn to page 96 there is nothing in the description of the Command skill that describes how to use it to restore Cohesion damage, only its use to make subordinates do what I want and how to use Command to extend the squad's support range.

So my question is: How do I use the Fellowship characteristic or Command Skill to restore Cohesion damage? Please be specific and cite a page in the rulebook or the errata.

Page 212 Under "Cohesion Damage,"

"This Cohesion damage can however be ignored if the squad leader can pass a Challenging (+0) Command or Fellowship Test, rallying his men under fire. This test is a Free Action and is taken as soon as the damage occurs," (DW Core Rulebook).

If you are a GM please give the book another thorough read through front to back.

Thank you! I am a GM, I am new to this game and my group hasn't actually started playing yet we are just in the beginning stages. Understanding the rules and such. The book is good but it reads like a 'choose your own adventure' book sometimes. This was one of those cases. Thank you again for pointing me to that.

Yes I will admit the design isn't exactly intuitive. Do what a couple of the players in my group had done, put in labeled post-it-note stickies to rules sections and specific rules you think would come up or be a little hard to find.