Athletics and Speed

By Sirkamina, in Game Mechanics

I made an observation while chreating my character that speed is not listed. This is largly due to the fact taht the system does not use numbered ranges, but vague distances, which I like a lot. The character I play is exceptionally athletic (2 green 2 yellow dice, plus 2 grapple hands(he is a droid) which add bonuses where applicable). As a result I think I hve found a form of "speed" in the game

While trying to reach the hovertruck to get it started my character ran at full tilt through a firefight. The difficulty given was 2, plus one black die, appropriate for a relativly flat but cluttered surface while being shot at. I was able to not only suceeed with multiple additional sucesses, but with enough advantages to buy a free second move action. So athletics when used properly will let you double your speed, the same way anyone can, without spending the strain, which is appropriate. However athletics listst that additional sucesses can be spent to increase the distance traveled. In game terms, hom many sucesses equal a move? IE the rane says it takes 2 moves to get from medium to long, and long to extreme. So i could go from engaged to close and close to medium in one round by using an extra action, I just want to know how many sucesses it would take on the athletics check (or possibly the 2 athletics checks as 2 moves are made)to move to the long range (and additional 2 moves)

Am I misinterpreting the skill?

Sounds good to me.

Only flaw i see is that you can only take 2 manuevers a turn. Max. pg 129, last sentence of paragraph maneuver limitations.

In a different thread i mentioned that the cathar in Saga were the only medium sized species that had speed 8, and that should be reflected in their very unofficial stats. I proposed at that point going from medium to long or long to medium only costing cathar one maneuver.

With the proper difficulty, I could see an athletics check making single maneuvers more efficient, so I feel you're on a good track. but I think 2 difficulty is too low. I would say 3 minimum, and possibly higher when moving in and out of the long and extreme bands.

But that's just my opinion. Nothing wrong with what you did if it works for your game.