Ok, so I am just getting into Dust Warfare and I must admit, once again FF has rocked my socks off. I have a question about movement. Now in DT movement is simple, it is on the card ie. 1 or 2, my question is this. When I start investing in DW how does movement work. I have the book but I can't find anything that gives me the conversion for movement. It does say that "for most miniatures, this will be 6". on pg 20 under Move. Im not able to find something in concrete that states that all movement is either 6 or more. I see artillery could be up to 36" but nothing saying anything about movement. Do the cards that come with the new figures I have not invested into yet, have the conversion?
Movement rules
Look at the unit entries in the book. The same arrow symbol is used to denote movement speed.
If the arrow says 6 the unit moves 6 inches.
In particular pages 18 and 20 of the Dust Warfare book covers everything.
The Tactics cards are not used for Warfare and FFG does not make cards for Warfare. There are some fantastic fan made cards that can be found by searching the forums.
This is why the guy at the game store was mad about DW. He said that Warfare sucked compared to DT. He also said it was a waist of money if I bought into DW, because of some stuff that FF would not support. So my next question is this. If they put out the book, why not support this part of the game? I love figure based games like 40k, warmachine, etc, etc etc. I figured that moving from a map based game to a table top was the next sequence in Dust, was I wrong? The guy also said that being forced to have to buy certain types of figures to play sucks and you had to for this game, and there is a part in there that you can't use a heavy for one of the sets. Is this true, I just invested into the core box and the book. My question then is this, do you think it is worth getting into DW or should I look for something else? That is a hard question to answer but just looking at what I play, 40K, WM Battle Tech etc, will I have fun with this. I am also trying to get others at my local store involved with playing and getting the store to support it. I want to play this game but if FF does not support it and I have to go to others for support such as the cards, I wonder if I am wasting my time.
I get some of the points your seller is making. There sure are some downsides to Warfare. For one the missing of official cards. It would be nice to get official stat cards but as mentioned above, there are really great stat cards by the community with all abilities and stats in a great overview. Sure you have to print them for use in game, that's some additional cost for you, but in my opinion it is really acceptable.
The second point would be the static army list you mentioned. You really can only use certain units in certain combinations. You also will have to get some units to use others because you need certain first sections and command units to field others. So if you start with warfare, and do not have any units you should check out dust.mainecoon.net/ to check which units you need, so you can buy the units that make sense. For us it wasn't a downside because we had most of the units for Tactics already and I for myself did only need to buy the command units, which where on my next-to-buy list anyways. The heavies your seller mentioned sure mean the new ones, but they are included in the new Zverograd rulebook. But even this isn't necassary, if you just use axis and allies, because the force builder from above includes all the rules for deployment.
The one downside i can agree on, is that the most heroes aren't available outside of tactics mission boxes. We do not play tactics anymore, so a complete box with rules and playfield just for two heroes is not so great. We got to score some solo heroes from ebay, but it's not that satisfiing.
Well those are the downsides. They don't keep me from enjoying a great tabletop, with a big plus to Tactics. The parties are much more balanced, the units as well. Some of the rules are much clearer in comparison and special abilities nicer. I love the models, and am really excited about the stuff yet to come. The somewhat static armylists are giving the game an additional aspect, because you will see balanced forces and also have a nice puzzle effect, because you really have to think about the best combinations. The game is also really fast paced, and by the time you got the rules in your head, you will play a game of larger size (300-400 points) in about two or three hours. There are nice rules for tournament play and some basic rules to create a campaing. In the books coming and Zverograd there are even some real campaign missions.
All in all i would have to say that there sure goes a lot of money, but for me, it's wort it.
Of course i don't know other tabletops yet, so i don't know if my opinion is that helpful for an experienced tabletop player.
The comment about not being able to play certain stuff isn't really valid.
There are 3 factions (for now) in DW. Each faction has 2-3 different platoons you can build, so it's like having 8-9 different factions.
No one complains in 40k that you can't play your Dark Eldar units with your Eldar (in the latest edition, you can play allies).
Once you start playing larger battles, you can play multiple platoons, so you could be combining different platoons.
Decker1613 said:
This is why the guy at the game store was mad about DW. He said that Warfare sucked compared to DT. He also said it was a waist of money if I bought into DW, because of some stuff that FF would not support. So my next question is this. If they put out the book, why not support this part of the game? I love figure based games like 40k, warmachine, etc, etc etc. I figured that moving from a map based game to a table top was the next sequence in Dust, was I wrong? The guy also said that being forced to have to buy certain types of figures to play sucks and you had to for this game, and there is a part in there that you can't use a heavy for one of the sets. Is this true, I just invested into the core box and the book. My question then is this, do you think it is worth getting into DW or should I look for something else? That is a hard question to answer but just looking at what I play, 40K, WM Battle Tech etc, will I have fun with this. I am also trying to get others at my local store involved with playing and getting the store to support it. I want to play this game but if FF does not support it and I have to go to others for support such as the cards, I wonder if I am wasting my time.
Every unit you can purchase through FFG for Tactics is currently supported for Warfare. Some of the newest units, that are not for sale yet, have their rules in the Campaign Book: Hades and next years Campaign Book: Icarus. These two books will most likely hit the shelves at the same time as the Tactics expansion. The models exclusively available through Dust-Models.com are not supported, but they may show up in future expansions. This is currently happening with Icarus and the Axis hero.
Heroes in the Tactics boxes - If you play Tactics this is a non-issue. For warfare only players it can be a problem. I don't have issue with buying the boxes and I only play warfare. Online retailers sell these for $25 or so. I play Axis and I am working on an Allied list so getting heroes for each side isn't an issue. I believe that FFG will, at some point, release these heroes in separate boxes. Until that time comes, split the cost with a buddy who plays the other faction.
No Warfare cards - You don't have to have them and a lot of table top games don't use them. That said they are extremely convenient and the Fan made ones are FREE. People have printed them with color printers and laminated them or uploaded to Wal-mart and gotten photo prints made, both work great and are cheaper than a set of cards would cost from FFG. FFG also published full stats for Allied, Axis, and SSU units here . There are no pretty pictures but print these pages, and you have a useable option. To complain about no cards when there are free options from FFG and the player base is just being petty.
Unit restrictions - Warfare is a table top game not a board game. Unit organization charts and restricted combinations are an integral part of game play and balance. List building is an integral part of the game.
Is it worth getting into Dust Warfare? - I obviously think so. It is easy to learn, fast paced, and engaging. You must pay attention to your opponent and what he is doing and plan and modify strategies constantly. You already play a lot of table top games that require as much, if not a great deal more investment in time and financial terms, as well as, list building. Warfare is a rule set that you should be able to pick up quickly and be giving demos after a game or two. Just be open about being new to the system and still learning the rules and accept that you will make mistakes. The rules will sort themseleves out in time. Take your time and play several games with the box set you bought, then you can figure out how you want to build a bigger force for your preferred army.
The only other thing I can add is ZOMBIES, GORILLAS, and WALKING TANKS!
To all of you, thank you for taking the time to write about how you feel about this game. My biggest concern was getting my friends to play this game and make the initial investment. When our store reopens on Tuesday, I will start to push this a little more and see what I get. Once again thank you all for helping and keep the smile on
First off I have played a lot, I mean a lot of miniature games. And this game ranks high in the list. Yes FF should make cards for warfare, if you are going to make rules for warfare,make the cards. Though that is a minor flaw that can be easily overcome. It is well worth the purchase unlike another game I have tried, but that is 40 reasons and a hammer ago. lol