What are the odds?

By fhaugh, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

Just want to check my math here. I know the odds of a hit on one die is 1:3, and a blank is 2:3. Am I correct the odds of a hit with a re-roll and 5:9?

If that's right, then a command squad in the the new command vehicle has a 55.5% chance of re-activating or bringing back a unit! Definitely worth 75pts.

You are right about the math, the probability for rolling (or rerolling) into a success for the Command abilities is 5:9 - in any given turn. So the probability to bring back a unit is actually higher that that, depending on the number of game turns of course.

So getting a blank with a re-roll would be 8:9? Makes sustained fire with spotter almost a sure thing.

fhaugh said:

So getting a blank with a re-roll would be 8:9? Makes sustained fire with spotter almost a sure thing.

Yep, as anyone who's done that can attest.

Though, of course, if it's really critical that you hit… you'll still go with the remaining 1:9.

You boys show those numbers to my phasers…

Ok then what are the odds of my SSU close combat squad attacking a squad of axis grenadiers in close combat and scoring no damage? Yes no damage.

Directly proportional to the vitality of their success.