Four Player CoC

By MinionOfProvidence, in CoC General Discussion

Hey all

Me and my buddy have been thinking about making rules for a four player CoC game. Anyone heard of rules for this style yet?

yeah there are already rules out there. I dont have anything official but i know yipe has them. we play them all the time. technically you can add as many people as you want. i have played with 6 people before, it takes forever but its still fun.

EDIT: i found the rules here

under rules and stuff you should see a 3 player variant. if you want more people just add more story cards in a similar pattern.

four player is totally possible with the centacle multiplayer rules. i've played it too. i will say that it gets a little too drawn out and slow and hard to follow all the tiny rules text on the cards from across the table. three player is the multiplayer sweet spot for this game in my opinion. just make sure your fourth player is designated as temporary bartender and chief snack-fixer when they're the odd one out.

piszcadz said:

just make sure your fourth player is designated as temporary bartender and chief snack-fixer when they're the odd one out.

yeah this is a good idea. it way stretches out the game when theres 4, 3 is where its at.

Yes, 3 players is optimal and a ton of fun, though 4 players can be fun as well. Beyond 4 players I think the game would bog down too much. I've been focused on 2-player games of late due to our tournaments, but otherwise my preference is for Cenacle 3-player.

Here's a direct link to the rules:

One word of caution about multiplayer - FFG put out their own "official" 3-player variant for Call of Cthulhu. Don't use it. No es bueno, amigo. Stick with the Cenacle rules and you'll have a good time.