Cover, Line of Sight and Obscurity question

By th3_greench, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

My brother and I are trying to understand the rules of cover, but feel we are reading conflicting rules.

So, first off players decide how and when a unit is in cover based on the terrain you are using. Let's say example, we have a couple trees on a base. If a miniature's base at least touches the trees' base, it is in cover. Let's say they provide soft cover.

Now, soft cover gives you +1 hit result to your armor roll. Does the miniature ONLY gain the +1 result, or soft cover effect, IF an attacking miniature's Unit Leader cannot draw a line of sight from the center of his base to the target miniature's center of it's base, WITHOUT passing through the terrain? Is this what it means to the miniature if they are "in cover?"

In other words, let's say the same defending miniature has his base touching the trees' base, and again is in cover. This time though, the attacking Unit Leader can draw a line clear as day to the defending miniature without passing through terrain. The defending miniature is "in cover" (Touching the base) but there is no obstruction in the line….does that mean he DOES NOT receive the benefits of cover? Therefore no +1 hit result to his armor roll?

Hope that makes sense……thanks!

Okay…I think we WERE just reading too much into it.

If I understand correctly now, if the Unit Leader can draw an UNINTERRUPTED (Read: the line does not pass through ANY terrain) line from the center of his base to the center of the base of a target Unit's miniature, that miniature is NOT obscured, regardless of how close he is or touching the terrain base (Or whatever the players deem to be "in the terrain.")

So the books description of being "in terrain" I assume is only for reference of movement, and IGNORING the terrain if you are the ATTACKING Unit Leader in the terrain.