Freighter Names

By EngageEight, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Hey I was hoping some of you out there might have some cool name ideas for the small freighter the PCs are supposed to get?


The Rising Damp ?

The Sleight Hand

The Centenary Falcon

The Crooked Die

The Lefty Loosey

Corellia's Pride

The Jawa's Envy

Here is a lot of the ship names I've used and collected over the last 20+ years of Star Wars gaming…

The Dark Star Hunter Midnight Sun Lefken's Rose Leaky Bucket The Crusty Jawa Aeon Hawk Jezebel Kreego Antee Fuzzy Mynock Longbow
The Heretic the Battered Shield The Vengance Stratocaster Nova Spice Rancor Slayer Tempest Strike Dustcloud Shadowfire The Longshot
Skalded Mynock Slim Chance Resta Nuune High Nuune Krakana Hunter Death Penalty The Fat Cat The Malteeze Falcon The Estrellamar Storm Maker The Blade Runner The Hell Spark Vornskr's Pride The Star's Shadow Avenger Punisher The Radiant Firestorm Blood Fang
"RR Nuthin" (double r nuthin) The Strongbow Roash Rurkek (Forever Victorious) Night Fox Gilded Lily Ever Dreaming Eloquence Cresent Farstar Rough Rider Sandman Dream Maker Rusty pickup The Spectre The Lich Porcupine Nightmare Thorn Blue Lightning Silver Storm
Flaming Pheonix Crooked Claw Darkside Marauder The Darkest Star Rouge Queen Qel-Droma Bockner's Gambit The Drunken Jedi The Bad Omen The Raging Gundark Knights Reborn Nostromo Sungem Fixed Dice
1st ship was "Hope" the next ship 2 "New Hope" then 3 "Another Hope" 4 "Hopeless" 5 "No Hope" 6 "Faithless"
Vicious Circle Folding Circle Murder's Moon Hell's Forge Star Phoneix Flamewind Cleansing Rain Y Knot Vorinna Tan. Twi'lek for "Lying Bastard.”
Knight Errant The Hungry Mynock The Corellian Kalidor The StormHawk Valarian's Pride The Lady Hawk Idiot's Array Dimwit's Delight The Professor Hunted Hunter Raging Bantha Trusty Tusken Ebony Blaze Sand Pit Pouncing Katarn Crystal Clear Sea Cove Gentle Breeze
Crazed Monkey Lizard Decimator Speedy Slug Stupid Fly Darting Art Snow and Sleet Bantha Horn Rusty Krayt The Inquisitor Dark Inquisitor
The Succubus Hyrotil Cressent Harbinger Rykartt The Beholder Fortune's Glory The Bootlegger The Meanstreak The Lucky Strike
Chak'Dan'Or, translated roughly as Swift Bringer of Justice The Lunatic Fringe Star of Alderaan Destiny Righteous Indignation Widowmaker
Lost Soul The Wallowing Gamorrean The Devil May Care The Jester's Mask The Krayt Dragon's Bite Firebolt. the FireIron The Lackluster
Hutt's Blood I The Ringrose The Dark Deck The Fantastic Phagorian The Poog Unbreachable Century Magpie Mistress of Coins Shooting Star Blue Moon Razorwing Special Cha-dji-b'ach (Coynite for The Beast) Midnight Special Midnight Confession Midnight Hour Midnight Flight To Naboo Indigo Starclipper Secant's Eyes "Hutar Treekthin" ("Danger Journey" in Ewok) Fire Axe Ace on the Line Cosmic Castaway Freedom Diver Saber One Saber Two Infinite Star Nova Spice Cerea's Cerenity Bonegnawer Suffering Servant Persecuted Swiftstar Titan's Nova
Void Guardian The Peregrine Mind Trick The Orcan Crab The Enchiridon Scavenger's Honor Mon Sortira Corona Wind Gallow's Grave
Garqi's Pride Flying Fish The Alasphinian Dragon Flaming Wookie Leaky Valkyrie Starsong Nimble Blaze Jedi Star Thel's Fury The Nemesis The StarGem The NightWraith The Shadow Hunter Laughing Rebel Darksider The Victorious The Defiant Pride and Joy Blue Diablo Guilty Pleasure Classy Lassy Shady Lady The Good Journey Ivory Nomad Silver Bandit Blood Moon Final Notice Extended Credit
Liquidator Kiss My Assets Vaders Gaze Eye of Shiblizar The Nimbus II The Taunt Drunken Hutt Pandora's Box Mandalorian Raider The Hades Gate Prospector The Mystic Byrn The Blade Black Beast Rancor Breath Morpheus Lazy Mynock Gauntlet Draco Imperator
Corellian Star Blue Diamond The Swim Miss Hyperion Centurion Excel Mandragorian The Gavil Sphinx Mantis Cocksrew Target practice
Judge and jury Midnight Dragon Blade of Valor Abolisher Demolitionist Eradicator Gunslinger Blaster Chow The Crimson Ark The Pride of Lothar Royal Precession Grave Digger Grumpy Guardsman Aurora Blackstar Saucy Lady Smiling Sarlacc Spirited Voyager Zolann Star
Zolan Moon Emerald Crow Majestic Blue Corellia's Pride Errant Voyage The Stubborn Nerf The Star Wolf Crimson Amber's Folly The Ship
Korwin Blade Crimson Flame Silent Wrath Wraith's Fist K'lor slug Arc Nova Bulcorellian Quasar Synocarious Duionoga Phalanx Mynock's Roost The Unseen Threat Merciful Angel Talon's Razor Lady's Day Correlian Interceptor Starblind The Crown Jewel Starwolfe Existential Clutter Flying Mecha Phoenix Katania Spice Freedom Acclamator Jawa's Target Reckless Youth Widowmaker Presidio Kash Money
Lady Killer Luck of the Draw Ace in the Hole Rokkarian Dreams Revelations Avenging Angel Sentinel Afterlife Heavensent Deliverance
The Finger Reticent Deadeye Lightspeed Viper Sarlac's Feast Daybreaker Secant's Eyes Grumpy Bantha Rift Runner Jonas Rift Razor's Edge Crecent Moon Freelancer Ebon Hawk Sand Phoenix Luminal Light Hawk Foe Hammer Bane In Amber Clad Star Chaser Sheila
XR-1127 Star Raptor Shadow Raven Guilty Spark Star Chaser Wake Angle Verpine's Tool Rodian's Blaster Wookie's Caster Stargazer
Carla's Endevor Crocea Mors Leviathan Jehuty Desperado Magicican's Hand Bigger Mop Sea Dragon Gambler's Chance Star Blazer
Mighnight Star The hotshot Jedi Jester Last Laugh Basilisk The Gamble Storm Rif-Raff Guilded Lilly Solar Flare Counter Punch Dynasty Questor Helix Phylarch Centari A Firespray

This is a list of some of the larger (more or less) Armed Merchantmen which (more or less) took part in the Spanish Armada campaign, on the English side:-

Hercules of London
Toby of London
Centurion of London
Minion of Bristol
Mayflower of London
Ascension of London
Primrose of London
Margaret & John of London
Tiger of London
Red Lion of London
Minion of London
Edward of Maldon
Gift of God of London
Bark Potts
Bark Burr of London
Brave of London
Royal Defence of London
John Trelawney
Cure's Ship
Golden Lion of London
Thomas Bonaventure of London
Samuel of London
White Lion
Crescent of Dartmouth
Bartholomew of Topsham
Unicorn of Bristol
Angel of Southhampton
Robin of Sandwich
Galleon of Weymouth
John of Barnstable
Charity of Plymouth
Galleon Leicester
Merchant Royal
Edward Bonaventure
Gold Noble
Galleon Dudley
Minion of London
Thomas Drake
Bark Talbot
Virgin God save Her
Hope Hawkins of Plymouth
Bark Mannington
Bark St. Leger
Bark Bond
Bark Bonner
Bark Hawkyns
Elizabeth Founes
Bear Yonge of London
William of Ipswich
Katharine of Ipswich
Primrose of Harwich
Elizabeth of Dover
Grace of Yarmouth
Mayflower of Lynn
William of Colchester
Susan Parnell of London
Violet of London
Solomon of London
Anne Francis of London
George Bonaventure of London
Jane Bonaventure of London
Vineyard of London
George Noble of London
Anthony of London
Toby of London
Salamander of Leigh
Rose Lion of Leigh
Antelope of Londond
Jewel of Leigh
Pansy of London
Prudence of Leigh
Dolphon of Leigh
Mary Rose
Elizabeth Bonaventure
Elizabeth of Leigh
John of London
White Hind
Gift of God
Richard Duffield

Sweet! Thanks a ton.

These are the names of the fishing vessels featured on Deadliest Catch :-

Alaska Ranger

Alaskan Leader

Alaskan Monarch

Aleutian Ballad


American Star

Arctic Dawn

Big Valley


Carly Renee

Cornelia Marie

Early Dawn


Farwest Leader

Fierce Allegiance



Icy Mist


Jennifer A


Lady Alaska

Lisa Marie

Lucky Lady

Master Carl


North American


Nuka Island

Ocean Challenger

Ramblin' Rose



Roaming McGee


Rosie G


Sandra Five

Sea Rover

Sea Star



St. Patrick


Time Bandit



Western Viking


I always try to work a ship by the name of Mari Mac into every campaign I run.

A spot of poking about on Wookieepedia suggests

Mountain Nerf
Kath Hound
Ralltiir Tiger
Woolly Veermok
Painted Spat

Jenica Dace
Lady Gaeriel
Queen Neeyutnee

Consul Devron Gallamby

Kathol Challenger

Gamorrean Dancer