My first attempt at running Edge of the Empire

By Jamescuk, in General Discussion

Did it go well… Um I think so. I pretty much stole Gm Chris opening crawl and initial set up. It went okay, Combat ended up being roll dice and stuff, just not much description going on, I was mostly worried on getting the system right. Its just trying to come up with ideas on Advantages/Triumph/Threat I know theres a table on what you can do with it in combat, and mechanically what to do with it, but description and describing what they have done.
I’ve never been the greatest at description, and combat has always been my weakness when it comes to rp, I can never make it exciting, I think one of the things I need to do is emphasise that’s its suppose to be cinematic.
Could anyone Help me with my description, how to make it fun for everyone, Should the pc’s be describing things as well? I would assume so.

I had a big talk with my players before our second session about their role in creating the story. I encouraged them to interpret the results from the dice and describe what happened.

I saw some improvement from my players, and I am trying to model the descriptions I would like to see. I know I said something like this, "Sinasu gives an uncharacteristic shriek as his hoversled careens towards the edge of the platform. A few shots from the bounty hunters go wide because of the unexpected change in direction." It's not poetry, but it's better than, "Bob misses and takes one strain."

I have also tried calling attention to situations in other media that might give my players a better understanding. For example, I compared getting into BactaMax to the Firefly episode "Ariel" when the crew attempts to loot a hospital with good security.

I would still like to see a lot more cinematic descriptions, and I think my players will have fun when they realize that they can take things a little bit over the top. I am working on my pep talk for next time.

My players spend very little time "in character" for dialogue, but I think they might enjoy acting out scenes in more detail.

I am even considering showing a clip from A New Hope and asking everyone to take turns describing what they see. I was thinking about using the scene in the detention block after Luke, Han, and Chewbacca rescue Leia. I think that part has great memorable lines from "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper" to "What an incredible smell you've discovered."

That's the dialogue and action I am shooting for!

One of the things i like about this is the give and take.

First and foremost there is rocket tag, teh ability to spend destiny points back and fourth between GM and player. But i personally think this goes further.

When a character rolls 4 advantages on an attack roll he gets to choose if he wants to use some of that to regain strain, or to score a critical. When the player gets disadvantages he can opt to cause strain or to have an area wepon hit something it shouldnt. These are built into the system and it is an example of give and take by the player and GM.

Where the system REALLY shines is when you take it all the way. You pick the bad stuff and the player picks the good stuff (as long as it its approved)


The droid rolls a total of 4 sucesses and 1 advantage on his brawl role with the Sand maurader. He chooses to use those sucesses to throw the sand person off the cliff instead of just doing damage. (the damage is 4 brawn, 1 from brass knuckles and 3 from extra sucesses, so 8, enough to kill the sand person anyway so the GM allows this) The droid then chooses to use that extra advantage to keep hold of the sand persons Gaffi stick (since he didnt have a melee weapon yet) The GM finds this to be cinimeatic and appropriate so he allows it.

The attack roll against the bothan (rolled bt the GM) rolls no net sucesses, but does roll 2 advantages. The GM decides to use the 2 sucesses to pull the bothan out of cover. This is explained as "the bounty hunter misses you but the blast from his powered rifle sever the door you were hiding behind from the car and it falls to the ground with a clunk"

The negotiation roll to barter the docking fee rolls 3 sucesses but 2 disadvantages. The player uses the 2 extra sucesses to lower the fee even more, but the GM decides to do something sinister with the 2 disadvantages. later that day the dock crew stealthily tries to hook up a power and fuel line to the ship so they can charge them extra for refueling which they had previously declined. The players at the ship get a perception check to notice this.

The athletics roll to jump out of one car and onto another(while flying) results in net sucesses but 2 disadvantages. The player suceeeds on the check (exceptionally well) and thus picks where on the vehicle he wants to land, but then the GM uses the 2 disadvantages to have the now unmanned vehicle he jumped out of careen towards the car he is now standing on. The pilot of the car has to make an pilot:planet check to avoid collision which then requires the player to make a coordination check to not fall off the vehicle (of the same difficulty as the pilot check).

All of the listed examples actually happened in game. The ability to pick how you want your advantages and sucesses used allows the player to take part in the creative experience if it is approved. Let your group pick up some of the slack.