ion cannon.

By Warchitect, in X-Wing Rules Questions

so sorry for the stupid question, and I cant seem to make search work, so here it is.

Does someone get to roll defense dice after being shot with the ion cannon? or no? it seems vague to me on the card.

thanks in advance.

Yes, ships targeted by Ion Cannons roll defense dice as normal. If at least one hit gets through then you follow the instructions on the card.


They also continue to roll defense dice as normal with an ion token.

What does it mean when it says "then cancel all dice results"? Is it saying the target ship cancels all of its defence rolls? or its next attack rolls? Being a bit stupid here I am sure :)

It simply means that for this attack only, if the hits and crits are more than the evades you replace all dice result with one damage and one ion token.

See I knew I was being dumb, thanks Tinnitus :)

The Ion Cannon upgrade card makes a reference to a teeny paragraph in the rulebook. It reads something like "If the attacker scores more hits and critical hits than the defender scores evades the attack is a hit". The significance of this rule is easily overlooked without the Ion Cannon in front of you.