So, annoying as I am, I have here the latest update on the fringer supplement I'm constructing.
I have done most conversions myself - although other people here on the forums have inspired some of it and others have given feedback on some of the stuff. They should be included, although if you feel left out, I either apologise or encourage to participate
Please comment if you feel like telling me if I missed the mark on some of these things. New to this version is a lot of weapons - I'm one of those pesky people that like named models and small variances. Yes. I'm sure some are against this stance, that's fair and please do voice your opinion - although I do not care much about the discussion of "if" this is necessary or not. If I didn't think so and feel that if informed and improved my game, I wouldn't have done it.
There are some attachments in there as well, some of which is very much Boehm 's work - I have only streamlined and packed stuff together - these I want commentary one in particular (thank you Boehm for supplying me with ideas!). I have also a version of the retractable/attachable stock - I can't find the thread it was discussed in so this is from what I remember and from the SE take on it. I think it looks ok, if not great. Also, the weapons, please comment, here or there.
EDIT: Should be the correct file now.