Healing After Battles .

By Marachai5, in Game Mechanics

Hi All,

I have a few questions in regards the rules on healing and Medicine and was hoping to hear from the community on how they have run these rules.

Let me give an example so I can ask the appropriate questions ….

Player A has his Wound Threshold reduced to 2 before receiving two additional separate hits at the end of the combat. The first hit was for 5 points after soak and so reduced him to -3 and resulted in his being unconscious and a critical being generated (72 rolled - Hamstrung result). Later on he was struck again while prone and received another hit of 4 wounds after soak, taking him to -7 and producing a second critical, this with a +10 when rolling for the result (94 rolled +10 = 105, Maimed result).

So at the end of the battle Player A is 7 points below his Wound Threshold and had two separate criticals. At this point Player B takes out an emergency Medkit and tends to Player A's wounds.

The Medicine roll to heal Player A results in 3 successes and so heals him for 3 points taking him back up to 4 under his Threshold.

Player B then attempts to heal each of the criticals. He first attempts to heal the Hamstrung result but fails. Next he attempts to heal the Maimed result and succeeds. Player a is still considered Critically Injured due to the failed heal on the Hamstrung injury.

Player A will not be able to remove the Critical Injury tag for a week, when he can either roll for natural healing, or have another attempt at having the injury treated.

Ok, so here are my questions happy.gif Any help is very much appreciated.

Question One :- I am not entirely sure you track wounds below the Threshold like I have in the above example. I was wondering if they just go to 0 and no lower. The reason I have tracked them lower is due to the wording on Page 140 - Exceeding Wound Threshold, "He is knocked out and incapacitated for the remainder of the encounter or until his wounds are decreased below his Wound Threshold (Likely through healing)" .

It "suggests" to me you can have wounds below your Threshold and that healing is needed to raise them back again. It is the use of the word Wounds which suggests multiple, hence why I have been tracking them. I honestly am not sure is if I should or not.

Question Two :- Am I right in assuming the Medicine check for Critical Injuries can happen directly after the fight and that if successful, the tag is removed from the player ? . If in the above example Player A only had the Maimed result and Player B was successful in treating it, then he would no longer be considered Critically Injured (Though would of course continue to suffer the effects of being maimed). I ask because it seems a bit fast that such a brutal injury can be treated within minutes of the fight and negated. This said I appreciate that Medicine is very advanced in Star Wars and so perhaps just works fast.

Question Three :- Under the Medicine skill it says that if more successes are generated than wounds needing healed, then the remainder of the successes can be used to reduce the healing time by 1 hour per extra success. I have not seen anything list a time for the healing attempt, so not really sure how to apply this.

Question four :- Assuming a player is left with a Critical Injury that was not successful healed through Medicine (and assuming the group doesn't have access to a Bacta tank, which I assume can be used to speed up the healing of critical results), I assume I am correct that he will need to wait 1 week before he can have his injury treated again, and so will remained tagged as Critically Injured for the whole week ? . This would mean additional critical injuries will obviously be very sore very quickly.

I of course may have missed some rules concerning the above and if so my apologies up front happy.gif .



I'll try to shed SOME light - though I'm sure more savy folks will step in to clarify/correct me. ;)

First off… you need to reverse your thinking on wounds and wound threshold. You're not "subtracting" when you take damage. There are no "negative wounds".

When fully healed, your character has zero wounds. When you take damage, you add that damage to your wound total. When your wounds equals or exceeds your wound threshold, then you're incapacitated. Per the Beta Update document (pg. 6), there's a new paragraph added to the "Exceeding Wound Threshold (pg. 140)" section. It basically says that you track wounds up to double your wound threshold. You have to heal to below your Threshold to regain consciousness.

Thank you for the reply GM Chris happy.gif .

I had completely missed that part in the beta updates and it goes a long way to solving my question. Thank you for replying. Yer I keep thinking wounds going down, rather than going up … I appreciate the correction as I would hate to confuse my players this weekend.


Marachai5 said:

Thank you for the reply GM Chris happy.gif .

I had completely missed that part in the beta updates and it goes a long way to solving my question. Thank you for replying. Yer I keep thinking wounds going down, rather than going up … I appreciate the correction as I would hate to confuse my players this weekend.


I did it myself for the first few games, LOL…

For those of us so used to d20 systems (and others) the "subtraction from a hit point total" is so instinctively ingrained… LOL…

As per question 3. I was wondering the same thing. No mention of a time incrament or duration for medical checks, but only one medical check per encounter. (a few seconds, to a few minutes) and after that, you may use up to 5 Stimpacks, but each has diminishing returns.

I was wondering if the medical check was 1 per day and each advantage reduces the time by 1 hour to 23-19ish hours before another check could be made. Which may come in handy is a seige situation.