Me again…
I've read and read again both the DeathWatch and BlackCrusade skill section to understand this issue.
According to the DeathWatch manual, the Basic skill allow you to do a skill check without penality (excluding difficulties and such).
If you don't have the basic skill, you roll the dice with half the valure of the corresponding characteristic.
I've no idea what the Trained stands for then, since when you buy for example dodge for 2 times, you get that +10/+20.
According to Black Cursade, Table 3-1: Skill Rank at page 92, there are 4 different ranks for the skills.
One(Known) - Equivalent of the Basic of DeathWatch, you do not suffer the -20 malus
Two(Trained) - +10 Bonus
Three(Experienced) - +20 Bonus
Four(Veteran) - +30 Bonus
So in short … what the hell?
I'm really confused how the game system, being the same for the whole 40k game range is either so bugged or different.
Can someone enlight me a little on how should I follow the rules?