So, I've been working for some time now on a Jedi Career/Specialization concept for porting this system into other eras (but still keeping the general theme of "Edge"). It's still a ways out, mostly because I'm finding I'm too busy to actually test anything on it, but I have spawned an idea for the enterprising GM who wishes to introduce a fully-fledged Jedi into the mix. These rules attempt to keep with the traditional Jedi Guardian/Sentinel/Consular concept and their typical perceived "roles." Nothing too surprising or novel here
So here I present The Quick and Dirty Jedi System:
1. Make Lightsaber a skill to purchase.
2. Make a career called "Jedi." The Jedi career should have the following skills: Athletics, Coordination, Discipline, Leadership, Lightsaber, Knowledge (Education), Perception, Vigilance.
3. (This step involves a smidgen of work on the GM's part, but should be nearly plug-and-play) The Jedi career can have three specializations, each with an analog for already existing specializations. For example, Marauder or Bodyguard could be transformed to Jedi Guardian , Politico or Scholar could be made into Jedi Consular , Assassin or Thief could be renamed as Jedi Sentinel ). When you do this, allow them to treat any talents that mention "Brawl or Melee checks" as if they said "Lightsaber checks." Consider also giving Lightsaber as a bonus skill to the Jedi Guardian specialization.
4. Replace one bottom-level talent (25 XP) in each specialization with the Force Rating talent (allowing the Jedi to increase his Force Rating by +1 each time). The Jedi Consular's should be the easiest to purchase, and the Jedi Guardian's should be the hardest to purchase. The Sentinel's should be as easy to purchase to as is his Dedication talent.
5. The Jedi Career gives the player a starting Force Rating of 1.
Like I said, I've been working on talent trees for each of these specializations and I have a good idea of what bonus skills I'd give them, and also of the new talents I would plug in, but I figured I'd see what people thought of the idea before I ran too much farther with it.
Please discuss!