Why the new discard before failure requirement?

By LordGek2, in Elder Sign: Omens

When a mission is clearly doomed why is the player still forced to discard a glyph first before aborting a mission? I'm sure there is a darn good reason but I'm just not seeing it.

It forces you to succumb to Terror effects on encounters if you roll Terror glyphs.

Cagarron said:

It forces you to succumb to Terror effects on encounters if you roll Terror glyphs.

Okay, duh, it would be far too easy to just skip out of a terror result otherwise, good point!

yes it is nasty that way.

I think the more elegant for user solution would just have been, when you opt for fail, to have the terror glyph "flash" at you and consequence be felt - rather than adding this extra step to every time you know you've failed etc.