4 person game- rule question

By TallDwarf, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

I was playing a 2 vs 2 game with 3 friends that are newer to DT than me. We have been been playing that each faction gets two activations in a row (one per player).

I have a few questions for 4 player games
1. Can a command squad on one army (Allied army 1) use it’s abilities on its teammates units (Allied army 2)? ex. Get Moving You Bunch of Monkeys!
We played that it could.
2. Related to above question. Can the NCO command squad call in his teammates’ Steel Rain artillery strike with its first action and then reload it with its second?
3. If a command squad calls in his allies' artillery skill, should that count as his team mate's activation or should the team mate still get to activate one of his other units?
As I play more I have more and more questions (see other posts that are coming).
I appreciate the guidance and experience on these forums. Its a friendly and helpful group.

It's totally up to you, officially you just have one side but 2 players controlling it so none of your questions would apply, but we do what you do and all players in a team get to activate. We have 1 Command squad who's can be used on any squad, it would not count as the other players action as it doesn't if you play with just 1 player.

Four player game really aren't covered in the rules. My advise is to cover all these concerns in the scenario breafing. This way everone is on the same sheat of music.

Thanks for the replies. We like the command squads working for both teams and I agree that the artillery strike should not use the other person's activation. We will change that for next time.