My first draw… this game was epic!

By MilesD37, in X-Wing Battle Reports

100 point squads

Imperials - Me
Darth Vader with cluster missiles and expert handling
Mareek with cluster missiles and marksmanship
Night Beast

Rebels - my buddy Richie
Wedge with r2d2 and proton
Luke with proton
Horton Salm with Ion and r2 astromech

played on enlongated table approximately 4ft by 2.5, with 6inch ob on ends for cards…

first and second rounds were positioning, his y wing was leading his formation with luke behind and wedge to his right, Vader and Backstabber were staggered one side with mareek/night beast to the other… all four of my ships attacked his ywing, taking him to no shields and 1 hull remaining, lukes attack hits vader for 1 shield, and ywing ion's mareek…

over the course of the next 2-3 rounds he hits vader down to 1 hull, and kills night beast, i kill luke and couldn't get a dog goned hit on the ywing…

next round vader evades, and he hits mareek and backstabber for 2 each… i hit wedge for all shields and 1 hull…

next round he kills backstabber and mareek

then i kill ywing (freaking finally… stupid dice) and wedge recharges 1 shield

then here is where it gets EPIC… vader and wedge are at range 2, no hits- vader pulls koiogram to get behind wedge who goes 2 forward to recharge other shield… vader at range 1 can't get a **** hit… wedge pulls koiogram, vader does straight 1 and takes focus/evade…here's the pic


vader shoots wedge, 1 hit (shield soaked) and 1 crit… (you can't read it well, but the crit was the one that counts for 2 damage)

my buddy didn't know that wedge still got to shoot… so at range 1 wedge got 4 and i only got 2 because of wedge's beastieness…

he rolls 4 stinking hits… going for my first ever draw… and epic ending to an epic game…

guess wedge hit vaders lightsaber when he tried to fly through the explsoin again

I was just flicking through the rulebook and noticed that under "Winning The Game" it says "In the unlikely event that each player's final ship is destroyed at the same time, the player with initiative wins". So technically it wasn't a draw - you won. Still an awesome ending though!!

nice… i was going off the tournament rule book entry for this, where in this event it is a draw and both players receive 1 point… after i read your post i sent a text to my buddy who said "woah, no way, you called it a draw then so its a draw, you cant go back and change it now" haha