For those well-versed in SE

By The Message, in Fan Creations

What are the built in images for Strange Eons? I know of Fedora and Octopus, but what are the others (Assuming there are others)?

More specifically I'm looking for the Elder Sign symbol, but a list would be extremely helpful.

Thelric said:

Use the Image Resource Browser plug-in to view the built-in resources.


Spooky, that plugin never seemed to want to work, just tried again after reading post and it works perfect. Woooooooo OOoo oo!

Thelric said:

I guess I'll spoil the surprise and add that there are some Elder sign graphics in there, but none are likely to be suited to your needs. However, you may find a few items of interest here:

Nyogtha: If I had to guess, it would be that you updated your version of SE between then and now.


Ah yes, that would be it, a far more prosaic reason. :o )

Thelric said:

Use the Image Resource Browser plug-in to view the built-in resources.

