Hi all,
Waiting for next week to play this again, so in the meantime as an original '77 Star Wars fan (just!), gamer and owner of all of WEG's SW:RPG books and even some of the WoTCs; here are some more frieghters and the like for your own SW:EoE game… definitely a work in progress but hopefully of some help to you all out there… links to wookiepedia will give you some images of the ships:
It's a very YT-Series centric list right now, but then 95% of all gaming groups go for a YT
) There are the three variants of the Y-Wing too (note I have 'corrected' the BTL-A4 single-seater's fire arc for the ion cannons).
I've added rarity ratings for each based on the Outer Rim four years before the Battle of Yavin, which is when I have set my Edge of Empire game.
I have changed the cargo capacity of some of the ships in the EoE rulebook to match those of various other sources… some of these stats I have lived too long with to change now!
Enjoy and feel free to argue/question and add your own below. I expect the X-Wing's stats will cause discussion!