GASPcon 13, Pittsburgh, PA (Nov 9-11)

By Ismar, in X-Wing Organized Play

We'll be running a massive X-Wing game at GASPcon 13, themed around the first Death Star battle. This will be a 3-phase scenario (space battle, then Death Star surface, followed by a trench run). 10 players will battle it out at once during each phase, 5 on each side. We are holding pre-registration to 5 players, with the rest reserved for on-site (Pre-reg for this is already full).

There will be plenty of pick-up games during the weekend as well. Most likely I'll have the Death Star terrain up the entire weekend, so players can use it for their own games leading up to the "Big Game".

GASPcon run November 9th-11th, and the X-Wing game is Sunday morning at 9am.

More details on GASPcon 13 can be found here

General info on GASP can be found here. GASP meets once per month for 12 hours of gaming. We average about 60 people per month at our Games Days, with a good mix of miniatures, board games, RPGs and CCGs.

