When does "Dutch" Vander's special ability happen?

By Torresse, in X-Wing Rules Questions

ok lets assume you have Dutch with pilot skill 6, and Luke with skill 8. I assume first Vander has to move, then use his special ability. Does Luke get a free target lock before he moves? Or does he move and then target locks? And if its the latter, does he still get the target lock if he moves outside of his range?

I would rather it be the later but Im inclined to think that the rules on the card supercede when the action happens

Short answer: Luke would get Target Lock from Dutch during Dutch's action (BEFORE Luke's movement)

Explanation: After Vander gets a target lock he may immediately give another pilot within range 1-2 a target lock.

Imagine the steps one at a time.

1. Vander moves (6 pilot skill)

2. Vander selects target lock action

3. Vander's ability goes off - check for ships within range 1-2 IMMEDIATELY and give one a target lock if you want.

4. Luke moves (8 pilot skill)

5. Luke takes action

etc etc

So if Vander moves away from Luke during his movement, then he may be out of range to give Luke the benefit of a free target lock during Dutch's action.

You have to plan your movements ahead of time in order to ensure that you get the benefit of Dutch's special ability text.

There's also a potential that your buddy who would receive the free target lock may not have a viable target for the lock (ie. no enemy ships inside Range band 3).

Its all heavily dependent on the planning phase. Choose your maneuvers carefully, my young padwan.


So can a stressed ship in this situation get target lock? I know that it can target lock, then do a red manuver, I however have no idea if say Luke already has a stress token. Vander moves. Will Luke get the target lock? It is not marked as an action, so Im a little confused by this

Torresse said:

So can a stressed ship in this situation get target lock? I know that it can target lock, then do a red manuver, I however have no idea if say Luke already has a stress token. Vander moves. Will Luke get the target lock? It is not marked as an action, so Im a little confused by this

Great question.

Receiving a token is different than performing an action. So even a stressed Luke can get a target lock (provided that Vander locks within 1-2 of Luke).