Do Campaign Packs and older units now come with revised cards?

By mbowsher76, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

I have recently gotten into this game and really have been enjoying it since purchasing the revised core set.

I would like to order the campagin sets (Cyclone, Seelowe, Cerberus and Zverograd) and was curious if those sets and units that originally came out back before the revision, would have been updated in recent shipments to include the revised cards?

I am looking at getting all 4 campaign boxes and the Axis Gorillas, Kommandtruppe, Grim Reapers and Office Corps as well as the medium walkers (Steel Rain and Lothar I think).

Any info on if I will need to buy the revised card set or if these now include the updated cards?

When we bought our medium walker they had the old cards. Of course, I just wrote the updated cost at the bottom of each card.

Is that really all that changed, the points value?

yes, I believe the sealowe book has all the updated costs.

Yeah, just the point value and Knives being range C instead of 1.

I just picked up a copy of Cyclone, and I can confirm that it still has the old values on the cards.

Maybe they've not reprinted that stuff yet?

SeismicShock said:

Maybe they've not reprinted that stuff yet?