This is the first time I will be going to Arkham Nights so this is the first time I'll be getting a swag bag, but since a friend is also coming with me, we will get 2 sets of swag bags.
What would be great is if I could trade items from this years swag bag for items in a previous year's (2010 or 2011). What I am most interested in are items from Arkham Horror and Elder Sign (so, the scenarios, the new Cthulhu, Daoloth for Elder Sign and/or Arkham Horror, and Hastur).
I know it's a long shot, but I figured I could see if anyone not able to make it this year has an extra set from previous years.
(Am posting this before checking with my friend, but there is a good chance he'd be fine with it since I am the only one who owns the games, and he only plays when we play together.)