Base droid models and memory wipe.

By That Blasted Samophlange, in Game Mechanics

Just had a few questions/ideas. As Droids, are written they are given lots of xp. This is to build a custom droid - which while good, what about the people who want to play an astromech or protocol or what not? Is there a way/is there going to be the option of spending your xp to get a standard droid chassis? Yes you could do this 'manually' by selecting the stats, but a list of droid types that can be chosen would be really nice.

Also, concerning memory wiping a droid - this should be a real threat to a droid character - also a potential advantage. So should droids have the option to respec, or should they lose all their experience to start over in a new class? What if this is done against a characters will? Rules covering this should be in the main game. I would imagine that permanent talents would still stay - as they could be hard wired or existing components. But this goes again to the mechanical nature of droids, and an ability to do a full respec.

What about memory back ups? Could a droid character, who was memory wiped be restored? Could they be put into a different chassis/body?

There seems to me, a large number of potential issues concerning droid characters.

The rules seem to be just for a Type IV droid (the combat models) and not for the II or III. But even amongst the type IV there are lots of chassis. So really that is just fluff for the character for why your attributes are where they are. IG-88, Droidekas (Destroyer Droids), Battle droids, etc… are all Type IV. Most are bipedal, but don't have to be. Heck, even the Hailfire fits into the Type IV category (the wheeled droid that shot missiles in the second prequel movie).

As for being memory wiped… take the droid back to 0 XP (or starting skills before they chose a career and spec), but leave the attributes alone… They retain none of the upgrades in software when wiped. Very few droids in the canon have the luxury of going very long without wipes.

On a similar subject. Are all civilian driods unable to use blasters?

Playing as a protocol droid, (or even an R2 unit) nothing stops me (except the GM) from picking up a blaster and firing it at anyone.

Is there some side bar/rule stating that they catn't?

I would run memory wipe as a purely roleplaying event. It's not like Protocol Droids suddenly lose all of their knowledge of protocol and language, or Astromechs their technical skills.

Gamerunner said:

On a similar subject. Are all civilian driods unable to use blasters?

Playing as a protocol droid, (or even an R2 unit) nothing stops me (except the GM) from picking up a blaster and firing it at anyone.

Is there some side bar/rule stating that they catn't?

There isn't anything as far as I know. If you're referring to the sidebar in Saga saying that non-combat droids can do no harm is based off of Asimov's 3 Laws of Robotics, which isn't a part of Star Wars canon.


EldritchFire said:

Gamerunner said:

On a similar subject. Are all civilian driods unable to use blasters?

Playing as a protocol droid, (or even an R2 unit) nothing stops me (except the GM) from picking up a blaster and firing it at anyone.

Is there some side bar/rule stating that they catn't?

There isn't anything as far as I know. If you're referring to the sidebar in Saga saying that non-combat droids can do no harm is based off of Asimov's 3 Laws of Robotics, which isn't a part of Star Wars canon.


Well, the models you do have access to are the combat droids. R units (R1 - R5) and Protocol droids aren't Type 4 droids. Type 4 is what the Race setup was talking about (it's the sidebar that talks about the other types). So, Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid, Droideka, IG series (IG-88 being the canon example), etc… are what they describe playing.

The racial description says class IV but you can easily make a PC version of any droid with the exact same numbers. I have no idea why they even bothered mentioning class IV specifically but I'm pretty sure it will be yanked from the final version…the new starter set has a Droid character included and he most definetly is not a class IV..

There is already a guide for making other droid types…look at the NPC droid stats for the one you like and build it. Any built in gear can just be purchased with starting wealth and defined as being integral to your chassis…I can't imagine any GM arguing against that. As a PC you will probably have a few left over points to buy those oddball skills the standard (recently wiped) model doesn't have.

As for wiping PCs…obviously a story point as wipes don't just happen in combat situations.